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How to celebrate Earth Day virtually with your remote team

Earth Day is a day to celebrate the earth and all of its inhabitants. It is also a day to reflect on the world and how we can make it better for future generations. Earth Day has become an international event with over 1 billion people taking part around the world. While there are many virtual and in-person activities to celebrate this important day as a remote team, it’s sometimes difficult to successfully navigate logistics and planning. Here’s a guide to celebrating Earth Day virtually.

Educate your team about the importance of Earth Day

It’s important to educate your team about Earth Day and its significance so that they can join your efforts in celebrating the day. Help your remote employees understand that Earth Day is an opportunity for us to reflect on our relationship with the planet. It also gives us an opportunity to take  action by making small changes in our lives, such as recycling more, walking or biking instead of driving, and reducing our carbon footprint. Gather suggestions on how to make the Earth a better place and share it on your company’s Slack channel, send out a curated Earth Day newsletter to employees, or talk about the day briefly during your Zoom meetings.

Inform your team about your plans for Earth Day

Inform your team about your plans for Earth Day by emailing them, writing your intentions in Slack, or having a brief Zoom meeting. This message should be sent to employees a few days to weeks before the event. Your message should contain the type of event you want to host, the activities you want the team to engage in, and how the team can contribute to these activities..

Solicit ideas from team members about activities

It is important to solicit ideas from team members about activities and events to commemorate Earth Day. This will help them feel like they are part of a team and that their input is valued. This can be done by asking them to suggest new activities, vote on existing activities, or provide feedback ideas that have already been suggested.

Put measures in place to gather feedback

It is important to get feedback from your team after your Earth Day activities so that you can continuously improve. The best way to get feedback from your team is to ask them what they liked about the event and what they didn’t like about it. There are many ways to gather feedback from your team - you can use surveys, interviews, or even a simple check-in meeting at the end of the day. Whatever you choose to do, make sure that it is not too time-consuming and that it is accessible for your team members.