125 Question Ideas For Virtual Ice Breakers

Remote worker playing virtual ice breaker games

We all know the importance of ice breakers for virtual meetings. They help us to break the ice and help us feel more comfortable with each other. When coming up with icebreaker ideas for your team, it is important to create questions that everyone will feel comfortable answering, and that are not too serious or difficult.

A great way to create a list of icebreaker questions is by brainstorming with your team. You can all come up with questions together and then vote on what participants think would be the best ones.

How do you break the ice in a virtual meeting?

It is not easy to break the ice in a virtual meeting - the person on the other side of the call might be feeling awkward and not sure what to say. So, it's helpful to plan ahead and think about what you want to achieve with this meeting before you start it.

There are many ways that you can break the ice in a virtual meeting. Here are some easy tips:

  • Start by asking questions about their day or their weekend.

  • Share something personal with them (e.g., tell them about your dog).

  • Talk about an article or video that you found interesting recently (e.g., talk about how Artificial Intelligence will change our lives).

Here are good ice breaker question ideas that you can use to build relationships at work and create a cordial working environment for everyone.

What is a good icebreaker question for a Zoom meeting?

Zoom fatigue, being stuck on what to discuss next, or an awkward moment  are all too common in Zoom meetings. Using virtual icebreakers during Zoom meetings is an excellent way to diffuse the tension and keep the conversation flowing.

Here are some icebreaker questions to try in your next meeting to build relationships within your team and boost productivity:

  1. Pick up something nearby and tell a story about its significance or how you got it.

  2. If you could live the life of any historical figure, who would you choose?

  3. If you were an article of clothing, which would you be?

  4. If you could learn any one skill right now, what would it be?

  5. What is your favorite movie and how many times have you seen it?

  6. What mundane superpower do you have? For example: can you curate the perfect playlist for any occasion? Do you always select the perfect produce while shopping?

  7. What was your favorite thing about your last job?

  8. What is something that you feel proud of this week?

  9. What do you feel is something that everyone is missing out on because they simply do not know about it?

  10. When someone finds out what you do for a living or where you are from, what questions do they always ask?

  11. What is your go-to self-improvement activity that you think would help others?

  12. Who is the most interesting person you have met and had a conversation with?

  13. What does your favorite breakfast look like?

  14. What is your morning routine like?

  15. How do you take your coffee?

  16. How would you make your week the most productive it can be?

  17. How do you like to relax and de-stress?

  18. Who in your life inspires you the most?

  19. What is something you want to focus on this week?

  20. Give a toast to someone for doing a good job whether it be for something mundane, work related, exciting or personal!

  21. How do you like to brainstorm? What methods are most effective?

  22. What motivates you?

  23. If your life became an action movie, which fictional character would you want to be?

  24. What is a common thing that you have never done (fly, change a tire, etc.)?

  25. If you could live in any sitcom universe, which would it be?

  26. What is the scariest thing you have done for fun?

  27. If you had to wear a shirt with one word on it for an entire year, which word would you choose?

  28. If you were in the wrestling ring, who would be your opponent?

  29. How did your parents embarrass you as a kid?

  30. What is the most unique thing on your bucket list?

  31. You have two minutes to give a speech on anything! What would your topic be?

  32. What is your favorite website or blog to visit in your free time?

Ice breakers for large teams

Icebreakers are an important tool in the workplace, especially for large teams. They help to create a more comfortable environment for people who are meeting for the first time or coworkers looking to build relationships at work. Whether you’re searching for ice breakers for virtual meetings or looking to break the ice in your large team, these simple, short, and exciting questions will be all you need.

  1. Beach or mountain vacation?

  2. What is something that takes a lot of time, but is definitely worth it?

  3. What do you wish someone taught you a long time ago?

  4. How was your experience taking your driver’s test?

  5. What popular song drives you crazy?

  6. What do you find yourself recommending to people you first meet?

  7. Tell the group about something funny that you witnessed this week?

  8. Do you have any exciting plans coming up?

  9. What book had the most significance on you?

  10. What is your favorite obscure belonging?

  11. What is in your junk drawer?

  12. Describe your setup for the perfect nap.

  13. What is your favorite food combination?

  14. If you could be a member on any fictional team, what team would you choose (it doesn’t have to be a sports team!)

  15. What team is the best in real life?

  16. Would you rather be in N*SYNC or the Backstreet Boys?

  17. Do you think the Spice Girls made a good team? Why or why not?

  18. What qualities do you think are best in a teammate?

  19. When was the first time you were a part of a team?

  20. What is your biggest team accomplishment?

  21. Did you like team projects in school? Why or why not?

  22. Do you think anyone can be a team player if they try, or are some people just better on their own?

  23. What do you look for in a teammate?

  24. Do you have an easy time asking for help?

  25. Teamwork makes the dream work: true or false?

  26. What is your idea of a good virtual team building exercise?

  27. Do you think virtual team building exercises work?

  28. What is your favorite virtual team building exercise?

  29. Would you rather work solo or in a team?

  30. What would you say your role is in a team?

Employees answering ice breakers for virtual meetings

What are some fun ways to start a virtual meeting?

The first and most important thing to remember when creating icebreakers is that you and your team should have a good time. And infusing funny questions into your team meetings is an excellent way to achieve this. Here are fun virtual meeting ice breakers to get everyone excited.

  1. Describe your personal style in middle school.

  2. What fashion trend are you glad is gone?

  3. What fashion trend would you like to see return?

  4. Do you believe in aliens?

  5. What is the worst horror movie you have ever seen?

  6. Do you talk to your pets as if they are people?

  7. Did you have a rebellious teenage stage?

  8. What superpower would you give your best friend?

  9. What is your favorite April Fool’s Day joke?

  10. Do you prefer romantic comedies or “dramadies”?

  11. What is the funniest holiday movie?

  12. How would you describe your laugh?

  13. Do you have any embarrassing post-anesthesia stories?

  14. What is one story about you or your siblings that your family always laughs about?

  15. What band are you embarrassed to admit that you love?

  16. What game makes you the most competitive?

  17. Super Bowl or Puppy Bowl?

  18. Favorite riddle or joke?

  19. The Office or Parks and Recreation?

  20. What was your favorite childhood movie?

  21. What movie makes you laugh until you cry?

  22. Do you think Rose could have made room for Jack on the door?

  23. Do you think tickling is funny or maddening?

  24. Is there anything Meryl Streep can’t do?

  25. Are you more likely to pick truth or dare?

Get to know you questions

“Get to know you” icebreaker questions are a great way to get the ball rolling in a group setting. They help people get to know each other and can be used at networking events, company parties, or any other gathering where people want to know more about one another. One of the most important things for a team to do is to get to know each other. This helps in building rapport and trust.

  1. What’s something new or interesting you’ve learned recently?

  2. What was your favorite recent meal and why?

  3. What’s your favorite self-care activity?

  4. What was the last thing you fell in love with?

  5. Who was the last person you felt inspired by?

  6. What item do you never travel without?

  7. What’s a common word or phrase that you don’t like/won’t use?

  8. What’s in your ideal sandwich?

  9. What is your favorite book from childhood?

  10. What’s a song or album that triggers nostalgia for you?

  11. What’s the most memorable live music or theatre event you’ve been to?

  12. What is a popular movie that you just can’t stand?

  13. What’s something that improved your quality of life so much, you wish you had done it sooner?

  14. What’s one thing you’ve changed your mind about lately?

  15. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

  16. What musical instrument would you play in a band?

  17. What simple thing still blows your mind?

  18. Have you been pleasantly surprised by anything recently?

  19. What are you reading right now?

  20. What’s one country you would love to visit and why?

  21. If you had to give a lecture on one thing, what would it be?

  22. What’s something you couldn’t live without?

  23. What season would you be: winter, spring, summer, or autumn?

  24. What’s the best book you’ve ever read? Why?

  25. Which bucket list item do you most want to check off this year?

  26. What’s an unusual family or national tradition you have?

  27. What was your favorite subject in school? Why?

  28. If you could keep only one part of your morning routine, what would it be?

  29. Have you ever experienced a culture shock? Where was it, and what happened?

  30. What’s an adventurous thing you’ve done?

  31. What’s a TV show you recommend to everyone?

  32. Where did you grow up, and what was it like?

  33. What’s the most useful thing you own?

  34. Would you rather spend a three-week trip visiting multiple interesting destinations or just one?

  35. Make a choice: never hear music again or lose the ability to read?

  36. What’s something from your childhood that you still love today?

  37. What’s a favorite movie you always recommend to people? Why do you love it?

  38. What do you value most in a friendship?

Host a virtual team building session with your team

Bar None Games offers live-hosted competitive games for your team of all sizes for a fun and interactive way to engage with your team and build relationships. With these virtual ice breaker games, you can increase engagement with your team members, boost company culture, and reward employees for their hard work.

Book a live-hosted virtual trivia game


10 Ideas for Hispanic Heritage Month


50 Zoom Icebreakers For Your Next Meeting: Activities and Questions For Team Building