Celebrating Black History Month in the Workplace

Black History Month virtual activities for Black History Month virtual celebration

Celebrating Black History Month is a great way to acknowledge and recognize the Black community’s contributions to our society. It is also an opportunity to celebrate Black culture, honor the lives of those who have come before us, and recognize the progress that has been made towards equity and inclusion. Over the years, workplaces have taken steps to commemorate this important month with events, Black History Month virtual activities, and initiatives designed to bring awareness to Black history and its impact on our culture today. Here are some tips for how to celebrate Black History Month with your team.

Host a Black History Month Event

One way to celebrate in the workplace is by hosting Black History Month virtual activities or events where employees can discuss topics related to Black American history and culture. This event could be a panel discussion led by experts on Black history or studies, a film screening about civil rights leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., or even a virtual concert featuring music from Black artists. A great way to have fun while learning something new is with Black History Month trivia hosted by Bar None Games.

Share Resources

Another way to mark this important month is by sharing resources with your team members that they can use to learn more about Black history and culture. These resources could include articles, books, films, lectures, podcasts—really anything that will help educate them further on this subject matter! You could also encourage employees to read books written by Black authors or watch movies directed/produced by Black filmmakers, and even host Black History Month virtual activities related to those works. If you want to take it one step further, you could ask each employee or department within your company to select one resource for their colleagues and then compile them into one list for everyone to access throughout the month of February (or any other month).

Promote Employee Development Opportunities

It’s also important for employers to provide opportunities for professional development related to diversity and inclusion during Black History Month (and throughout the year!). This could include webinars or other Black History Month virtual activities hosted by experts in DEI or workshops facilitated by outside organizations focused on racial justice issues. Additionally, companies should be offering mentorship programs specifically designed for BIPOC employees so they feel supported within their organization. Of course, these opportunities should always be optional but highly encouraged so that everyone feels included in whatever activities are planned during this important month.

Host Black History Month Virtual Activites With Bar None Games

Black History Month is an important time of year when we take time out of our busy schedules to reflect on Black history and culture as well as appreciate all that this community has given us over the years. By celebrating Black History Month in the workplace with events, activities, resources sharing initiatives and professional development opportunities we can ensure that everyone feels included while learning something new! Employers should make sure they are taking extra steps during this month (and throughout the year) when it comes down to recognizing diversity efforts at work—it’s essential for creating an equitable workplace environment for all staff members.

To learn more about how Bar None Games can help take your virtual Black History Month celebration to the next level, check out our Black History Month Trivia and Celebration Games.

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