“Get to Know You” Bingo: Building Relationships at the Workplace

Group of coworkers smiling together after playing get to know you bingo

Bingo is a game that can be played with people of all ages, so it’s perfect for any workplace. It can also offer a lot of variety in the  type of content that can be created, offering your team an excellent opportunity to build personal relationships at work. We’ll walk through how to set up a “get to know you” bingo game for your team.

What is “get to know you” bingo?

A “get to know you” bingo is a bingo game, but structured in a way that helps people get to know each other. It is a fun and interactive way to connect with new people in the workplace, serve as an icebreaker at a networking event, or be used as a tool for team building. The game can be played in groups or with multiple people in a single session.

How to play “get to know you” bingo with your team?

Bingo is a game that everyone knows and loves, and playing it with your team is a great way to get everyone involved and having fun.

  • Create your own bingo board or get a template online and customize it based on the personal questions you would want to explore with your team.

  • Send out information and invites: inform your team about your upcoming bingo game, when it’s being played, what platform you’ll be using, moderators, etc.

  • Set ground rules: no game becomes successful without rules. Set the ground rules on how  participants should play, how to win, and the penalties for not adhering to rules or distracting the game.

  • Get prizes ready: award the team members who emerge as winners of the game. A game will be even more enticing if team members know there’s something waiting for them at the end, and a reasonable prize will do the magic.

“Get to know you” bingo ideas to explore with your team

Here are bingo ideas that will get your team opening up to each other and building a healthy remote work culture.

Personal bingo questions and statements

These are questions and statements about the personal life of your team. From their ambitions and general life goals to what they will do in their leisure time, there are many statements you can use to get your team to talk about themselves. You can set up the bingo by having the moderator call out the questions or prompts, and having players mark off their answer to the prompt with a statement that matches on their board.

Work-related bingo statements

These questions provide an avenue for employees to talk about their lives working with your company. These statements can range from their experience and general outlook of the company and work environment to where they would like to be in the company or which position they would like to hold in the future. This can be structured in the same way as personal bingo questions above.

Book a team icebreaker event

For even more icebreaker ideas, explore Bar None Games’ library of virtual games. Book your team building icebreaker event here.


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