How to Bring Pub Trivia to your Living Room

While you may not miss being pressed against the sweaty armpit of the tall guy next you at your local bar, pub trivia did provide an amazing reprieve during the week to bring you and your friends together for excitement, fun, and laughter.  Now you can have the best of both worlds and participate in pub trivia from the comfort of your own couch!  Here are some tips on how to bring pub trivia to your living room:  

Bring in ‘da noise

Don’t forget the tunes!  Whether you prefer swaying to Taylor Swift or playing the air guitar to The Rolling Stones, Bar None Games’ music round of trivia always energizes the group.  Music is a great way to get everyone involved and pumped up for the next question.  We love getting a virtual dance party started!

Create a virtual booth

No need to scream “WHAT?!” for the fifth time to compete with the blaring music.  A virtual pub allows you to split up your group into smaller teams so that you are actually able to socialize and catch up, instead of just nodding along pretending you can hear your coworker tell you about his big move.  It’s a great way to incorporate a friends get-together or a team-building activity that combines both larger group settings and smaller, more intimate settings. 

Be your own bartender

Finally use that mixology cookbook that your friend bought you six years ago for secret Santa and learn how to make your favorite cocktail!  Rather not do the work?  Just grab a six pack of your favorite beer from your local liquor store.  It’s easy and it’s six beers for the price of the one that you would have bought in person at a bar!  Your virtual Zoom happy hour has never been better. 

Control the vibe

Nothing feels more like a bar than some mood lighting!  Turn down the lights and hang up some twinkle ones (dusting of your Christmas lights is completely acceptable) to create that great bar glow.  Or switch it up with a new Zoom background that matches the theme of your virtual event. 

Look presentable

Put on those clothes that are standing up on their own now that they have been sitting in your closet for a year.  Brush your hair.  Look like you might actually go out in public.  Let’s be honest, we are all going to need some practice for when life opens up again.  Can’t quite squeeze into those jeans after gaining the COVID 19?  The best part about Zoom is that people can only see you from the top up!  Pants with buttons were so 2019.

Find a virtual trivia company

Fortunately, we have a virtual trivia company on speed dial that totally ROCKS (if we do say so ourselves)!  Hundreds of Fortune 500 companies, start ups, universities, and individuals all over the world have hired Bar None Games for their virtual trivia event and raved that no bar is no problem!

Let us know today if you want to book an event!


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