How to Create The Best Difficult Trivia Questions and Answers

The most rewarding and engaging games of trivia involve the perfect mix of challenging questions, but it can be extremely hard to come up with the questions that are the right level of difficulty for your group. This is especially true when you consider that everyone has a different breadth of knowledge and different specialties.

So how can you go about creating a trivia experience that is both difficult and enjoyable? Below, we share some tips that we consider when we’re developing our trivia events, and we explain why you should consider outsourcing the process to our team at Bar None Games! 

Tips for How To Create Difficult and Fun Trivia Questions

For starters, it’s extremely easy to come up with difficult trivia questions. After all, you could just Google an obscure piece of information and go from there. For example, you could ask a question like “Who ruled France in 1370?” A quick search shows that Charles V ruled France during that period, and odds are nobody in your group would ever be able to come up with that answer unless they made a lucky guess with a multiple choice answer group. 

So while it’s easy to come up with difficult questions, nobody wants to play a game of trivia where they are just guessing on the majority of their answers. You want hard trivia, but you also want people to be able to come up with a lot of answers or good guesses on their own or with the help of the group. But how can you strike a balance between difficult and answerable?

Design Trivia Questions Around Your Groups’ Interests

We’ve found that this balance begins by knowing your audience and asking about events or popular culture during their lifetime. We tend to soak up a lot of knowledge about current or memorable events even when we’re not actively going out of our way to obtain this information, so start by focusing on some current events or memorable brands that are recognizable to the majority of your group. Even if you don’t expect the group to know the answer for sure, if they can put together an educated guess, they’ll have more fun even if they get the answer wrong. For example, a question like “Name the eight original colors in the first box of Crayola crayons” will get a lot more engagement even if nobody knows all eight colors for sure.

Find A Theme Or Shared Connection 

Another route to pursue in your quest to create a difficult but enjoyable trivia event is to develop your trivia around a specific theme or a shared connection between your group. If you’re designing a trivia game as part of a fundraiser for a booster club, design the questions around the school’s sports teams and history. 

Or if a lot of people in the game have a shared interest, like in the television show “The Office” or 90’s music, design the questions around these shared interests! And if you’re going to focus on a specific theme or interest, consider letting the participants know of the theme in advance so they can study up on the material!

Let Bar None Games Create The Perfect Trivia Questions For Your Virtual Trivia Event!

Hopefully those tips will help you get your trivia event off on the right foot, but if you’d rather outsource the process to an expert, that’s what we’re here for. We’ve designed countless trivia events for a wide variety of groups (in fact, we have a trivia bank of 250+ different trivia rounds!), and we know we can develop a one-of-a-kind trivia night for your next get-together.

When you head over to our booking page, there is a short form that we ask you to fill out so that we can get a better idea of what you’re looking for in a trivia event. You can tell us all about your group, your business or the guest of honor if you’re planning a birthday party or baby shower. We’ll take this information, review it, and then reach out to contact you to learn anything else we should know in order to prepare your game. We’ll also share some information with you about how you can help the game run as smoothly as possible. Then once you book, we’ll get to work developing your unique trivia event! All you need to do is get people to join the session at the date and time you’ve booked, and we’ll take care of the rest.

We hope we’ve helped you in your quest to develop a difficult and enjoyable trivia event, but if you’d rather we just handle all the heavy lifting, let the team at Bar None Games plan your next trivia event!


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