How To Create The Best Virtual Trivia Team

Everyone loves a good trivia game, and part of that fun involves being competitive and having a chance to win when it’s coming down to the end. But putting together a competitive trivia team doesn’t happen by accident! You need to put some thought into building your team if you want to be crowned trivia champion at the end of the night. In today’s blog, we share some tips for putting together the best team for your trivia night.

The Best Teams Have A Diverse Set Of Knowledge Amongst All The Players

In the movies, whenever someone wants to pull off a sophisticated heist, they need to have the perfect people for the job. An inside man, a safe cracker, a tech specialist and a getaway driver. Putting together the perfect trivia team is similar to putting together a team for a Hollywood heist. You’re going to want people with a diverse set of knowledge so that you can cover the widest breadth of trivia. For instance, you may want:

  • A movie buff

  • A history nerd

  • A pop culture lover

  • A sports fan

  • A music enthusiast

  • A food fanatic

You know your coworkers, friends, and family better than anyone, so learn who is knowledgeable about certain subjects and strategically add them to your team. Or if you’re running a trivia contest for your group, try to divide teams fairly so that teams will be competitive.

Try And Cover A Diverse Arrange Of Ages Amongst Your Trivia Crew

Be sure to grab people from different age groups to cover different time periods. You may consider yourself a music buff, but if you weren’t around in the 60’s or 70’s, you may not do well in a Golden Oldies category. You may also fancy yourself hip with the times, but if you aren’t on Twitter or TikTok, you probably don’t know what was trending last week. Make sure you form your team out of a diverse age range to cover an even larger knowledge base.

Make Sure That Your Team Works Well Together And Knows When To Trust Each Other When There Are Conflicting Answers

Finally, make sure that the team you put together knows when to trust each other and knows how to defer to others when there are conflicting answers. You can put it up to a vote, you can take turns if there is a dispute, or you can flip a coin, so long as you find a fair way to settle a disagreement over an answer. Nobody wants to play on a team where one person is constantly overruling others or not listening to advice. Be a good contributor and a good listener, and everyone will be happier.

Have Fun!

The best trivia team is always the one having the most fun.  While there may be prizes on the line, you want it to be a fun experience, so don’t get carried away by the competition. Have a good time spending time with coworkers, family and friends and answering fun and unique questions along the way.  

If you’d rather not worry about setting up trivia teams or the competition itself, outsource your virtual trivia game to the team at Bar None Games. We’d love to host a friendly but spirited trivia competition for your group. For more information on how you can bring trivia to your next get-together, head on over to our contact page.


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