How to host a hybrid event that includes both in-person and remote employees

As the United States begins to transition back to a world post-pandemic, findings show that the majority of companies will have a hybrid or flexible work environment, with a portion of employees working from home and a portion of employees that are working in-person at the office. Not only does this have implications on what the new normal for office spaces looks like, but managers are also trying to figure out how to best host teambuilding and office team events in a way that is inclusive of both in-person and remote employees.

Here at Bar None Games, we've hosted 1,000+ events that span it all - fully virtual events, hybrid events that include both in-person and remote employees, and events where all of the attendees are together in-person. How do we do it and ensure that everyone involved feels equally included and has a good time? Below are our tips!

Make sure to use a virtual platform that everyone is familiar with (Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams)

Even though some of your attendees will be in person, for hybrid events, you'll still have a portion who are attending virtually. It's vital to make sure that any event that you're hosting is still accessible virtually, whether using Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, or your company's video conferencing platform of choice. You want to make sure that technology isn't the barrier to your event feeling fun!

Choose an activity that people can have the same amount of fun doing virtually as in-person

Whatever you choose, make sure that the nature of the event is inclusive! If you have a virtual happy hour where half of your participants are together in a room drinking beers, that doesn't feel the same for your attendees who are dialing in via Zoom and likely missing out on a lot of the side chatter. Instead, focus the event on an activity that feels similar whether the attendees are in-person or remote. Our trivia and triathlon games accomplish this as people are receiving their game instructions and updates from an MC and then groups work together as smaller teams. Whether you're sitting together in a conference room in-person to work with your small team or working remotely with your team via Zoom's breakout rooms, it feels just as fun and interactive! Because we use virtual breakout rooms, the virtual attendees are also getting opportunities to have side chatter with their smaller groups.

Include food, drink, or snacks with the event by ordering it to the office and sending it virtually to your remote employees

If your remote employees are feeling left out of the free lunches at are at the office every Tuesday, it's easy to combat by also sending them food, snacks or drink when events in the office are happening. This way, everyone gets the fun perks! We've partnered with various third-party providers to help pair food, drink, or snacks with our events, so for the organizer, it's a one-step process to plan a game and drink night event.

Want help planning your hybrid event?

We've worked with a lot of companies to help plan team building events that are inclusive for both virtual remote and in-person employees. As the hybrid work culture becomes more common, we're there to help you figure out how to make sure your full team can still have casual opportunities to get to know each other. Inquire now and we can help you plan your hybrid event today!


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