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How To Pick The Best Trivia Team Name

How to Come up with the Best Name

Sometimes the hardest part of trivia night occurs well before the host begins peppering you with trivia questions. We’re talking, of course, about coming up with a team name that says a little bit about your group. Do you go with a pun? An inside joke? Or do you try to come up with something on the spot that will make the crowd laugh every time the host has to read your name?

It can be challenging to come up with a great team trivia name, especially if you aren’t keen on reusing some of your favorites from the past. Below, we take a look at some of the ways you and your group can work to come up with the best team name at trivia night.

What’s in a Name?

Picking a great trivia team name can set the stage for a fun night with friends, but how do you go about choosing a name? You want to be creative, but us telling you to “be creative” isn’t exactly a great way to kickstart your creativity. Instead, we’re going to focus on some themes and let you take it from there. So with that in mind, here are some themes and ideas to consider when trying to come up with a perfect trivia team name.

Find A Common Bond

Are you a group of coworkers breaking up the daily grind at the office with a trivia night? Or are you college buddies or family members reconnecting through online trivia? If there’s a common theme among your group, see if you can find a way to incorporate your team’s connection to one another in your team name.

Pick A Pun

Get punny with it and come up with a funny name that incorporates a pun. Consider the trivia theme and the environment when trying to come up with a clever pun. If you’re doing bar trivia, any pun that has to do with alcohol tends to do well with the crowd (Smarty Pints and The Smartinis are two that come to mind for us). If you’re doing music trivia, how about the A Tribe Called Quiz or The Red Hot Trivia Peppers? Again, it can be tough to come up with a pun off the top of your head, so focus on some common themes and go from there.

Something Ridiculous For The Host

If the trivia host is going to be reading off the standings at regular intervals, any team name that will be ridiculous or cause them some consternation tends to play well with the audience. Keep in mind that you’ll want to ensure it's appropriate for all attendees, but if you can come up with something that might make the host look a little foolish, you’ll probably get some laughs from other teams. Names like “Does anyone know where the bathroom is?” or “Actually, they are in first place” are two that can throw the host for a loop.

Completely And Utterly Random

If you’re struggling to come up with something clever, be the weird team that just has a completely random team name. Ask each team member for the first word that comes to their mind and make a mashup of their answers as your team name. Or just try to be as odd as possible. That’s how you end up with great team names like “Hot Dog Water” or “Goat Yoga.”

Your Band Name

If your trivia team was actually a band, what would you call yourself? Band names can be ridiculous and awesome, so channel your inner musician and see what you can come up with. If you’re still allowed to be on your phone, a quick Google search for a band name generator can help provide some sample ideas (that’s what led us to great names like “Bring Me The Goblins” and “Twilight Of Doom.”

Get those Creative Name Ideas Flowing

Hopefully this list of name ideas can help you come up with an awesome team name for your next trivia night, and if you want some help running trivia night, click here to contact our team to learn how we can host your next trivia night event for you!