10 Team Building Activities Virtual Teams Love

team building activities virtual

Team building activities are essential for creating a sense of camaraderie and fostering a positive work culture within any organization. However, with the rise of remote work and virtual teams, team building has become more challenging. Fortunately, there are a plethora of team building activities virtual teams love that can help bring people together and build strong relationships. In this blog post, we'll explore ten such activities, including virtual trivia.

What team activity can be done virtually?

Here are 10 virtual team building activities to try with your team:

  1. Virtual scavenger hunt

  2. Virtual escape room

  3. Virtual happy hour

  4. Virtual board games

  5. Virtual book club

  6. Virtual talent show

  7. Virtual cooking class

  8. Virtual fitness challenge

  9. Virtual charades

  10. Virtual trivia

Keep reading to find out more! 

Virtual Scavenger Hunt

A virtual scavenger hunt is a fun and interactive way to get people working together. Create a list of items or clues that people have to find or solve, and have them race to complete the challenge. You can use video conferencing tools like Zoom or Google Meet to host the scavenger hunt, and participants can use their phones or computers to take photos or videos of the items they find then share to the Zoom chat or company Slack.

Virtual Escape Room

An online escape room is another great team building activity for virtual teams. Participants have to work together to solve puzzles and clues to "escape" a virtual room. This activity can be a bit more challenging than others, so it's important to provide clear instructions and make sure everyone is comfortable with the technology.

Virtual Happy Hour

A virtual happy hour is a simple and effective way to bring people together and foster a sense of community. You can use a video conferencing tool to host the happy hour, and encourage people to bring their favorite drinks and snacks. You can even play games or do a virtual "toast" to get everyone in a festive mood.

Virtual Board Games

There are a variety of online board games that can be played virtually, such as Settlers of Catan or Monopoly. These games require collaboration and strategic thinking, making them perfect for team building activities virtual teams enjoy. You can use platforms like Tabletopia or Board Game Arena to host the games.

Virtual Book Club

A virtual book club is a great way to get people reading and discussing interesting topics. Choose a book that is relevant to your team or industry and set a timeline for everyone to read it. Then, schedule virtual meetings to discuss the book and share insights. This activity not only helps build relationships but also encourages continuous learning and personal growth.

Virtual Talent Show

A virtual talent show is a fun and entertaining way to showcase the unique talents of your team members. Whether it's singing, dancing, or stand-up comedy, everyone can participate and show off their skills. This activity can also help boost morale and create a sense of positivity within the team. Time to bring out your best skills!

Virtual Cooking Class

A virtual cooking class is a great way to bond over food and learn new skills. Choose a recipe that everyone can follow, and then have a virtual cooking session where everyone can cook together. This activity not only helps build relationships but also encourages creativity and teamwork.

Virtual Fitness Challenge

Promote health and wellness while also building team spirit with a virtual fitness challenge. Choose a fitness challenge that everyone can participate in, such as a step challenge or yoga challenge. It’s important to offer accessible options for all ability levels. Use an app like Strava or Fitbit to track progress and encourage friendly competition.

Virtual Charades

Charades is a classic game that can easily be adapted for virtual teams. You can use a video conferencing tool to host the game, and participants can use hand gestures or props to act out their clues. This activity is fun and lighthearted and can help bring people together in a relaxed and informal setting.

Virtual Trivia

Virtual trivia is a popular team building activity that can be tailored to your specific industry or interests. This activity not only promotes teamwork but also encourages learning and knowledge sharing. Virtual trivia is a fun and engaging activity that can be customized to fit the interests and expertise of your team members. You can create trivia questions based on your company's history, industry trends, or even pop culture. The possibilities are endless! Here are 10 of our favorite trivia themes.

To host a virtual trivia session, simply choose a video conferencing tool like Zoom or Google Meet and share your screen to display the questions. Participants can use a mobile device or computer to answer the questions in real-time, and you can keep track of scores using a digital scoreboard. Don’t know where to start? Bar None Games can help you out - with live professional hosts and creative content, it’s a guaranteed good time! 

How to do team building with remote teams

Remote work has become more common in recent years - as a result, team building with remote teams has become increasingly important. Here are some tips on how to do team building with remote teams:

  • Plan ahead: When planning team building activities for remote teams, it's important to plan ahead and communicate clearly with your team members. Make sure everyone knows the date, time, and purpose of the activity in advance, and provide any necessary instructions or materials ahead of time.

  • Use video conferencing: Video conferencing tools like Zoom or Google Meet can be incredibly useful for remote team building activities. They allow participants to see and hear each other in real-time, which can help create a sense of connection and community.

  • Choose activities that are inclusive: When choosing team building activities for remote teams, it's important to choose activities that are inclusive and accessible for everyone. Avoid activities that require physical presence or materials that may be difficult for some team members to obtain.

  • Encourage participation: Encourage everyone to participate in the team building activities, and create a safe and supportive environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

  • Focus on communication: Effective communication is crucial for remote teams, so it's important to include activities that promote communication and collaboration. For example, you can include activities like virtual brainstorming or virtual problem-solving exercises.

  • Celebrate successes: Celebrate team successes, no matter how small they may be. This can help boost morale and foster a sense of community within the team.

Team building with remote teams can be challenging, but it's not impossible. By planning ahead, using video conferencing, choosing inclusive activities, encouraging participation, focusing on communication, and celebrating successes, you can create a positive and engaging team building experience for your remote team.

How do you spice up a virtual team meeting?

Virtual team meetings can sometimes feel repetitive and monotonous, especially if they occur regularly. However, there are several ways to spice up a virtual team meeting and make it more engaging and enjoyable for everyone involved. Here are some tips:

  • Change up the format: Consider changing the format of your virtual team meetings to keep things fresh. For example, you could switch from a traditional presentation-style meeting to a roundtable discussion or a brainstorming session.

  • Incorporate visuals: Visual aids can help break up the monotony of a virtual team meeting and make it more engaging. Consider using slides, videos, or other visual aids to accompany your presentation.

  • Invite guest speakers: Inviting a guest speaker to your virtual team meeting can be an excellent way to add variety and new perspectives. It can also be a great opportunity for team members to learn from experts in their field.

  • Encourage participation: Encourage participation from all team members by incorporating interactive elements into your virtual team meeting. For example, you could use polling software to gather opinions, or you could break into small groups for discussion and then bring everyone back together for a larger discussion.

  • Include fun activities: Incorporating fun activities into your virtual team meeting can help boost morale and create a more positive atmosphere. For example, you could play a quick game of virtual trivia or hold a virtual talent show.

  • Take breaks: Virtual team meetings can be mentally taxing, so it's important to take breaks and give team members time to recharge. Consider incorporating short breaks into your meeting schedule to allow for stretching, grabbing a snack, or just stepping away from the screen for a few minutes.

Host a virtual team building activity with Bar None Games

Team building activities are essential for creating a positive work culture and building strong relationships within any organization. With the rise of remote work and virtual teams, it's important to find creative ways to bring people together and foster a sense of community. These ten team building activities virtual teams love, including virtual trivia, are just a few examples of how to achieve this goal. By promoting collaboration, communication, and positivity, these activities can help your team thrive in a virtual environment.

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