28 Interesting Women’s History Month Trivia Questions Ideas

Female coworkers celebrating Women's History month virtual activities with Women's History Month trivia

March is Women's History Month, a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women throughout history and acknowledge the ongoing fight for gender equality. One fun and educational way to celebrate Women's History Month is by hosting a Women's History Month Trivia event at work. Not only does this provide a fun and interactive way for employees to learn about the incredible women who have come before us, but it also promotes a culture of inclusivity and appreciation for diversity within the workplace.

Hosting a Women's History Month Trivia event can be done in-person or virtually, depending on your current workplace set-up. If you are hosting a virtual event, consider using a platform like Zoom or Google Meet to allow employees to participate from the comfort of their own homes.

Women’s History Month trivia questions

Here are some question ideas to include in your Women's History Month Trivia event:

Women’s History Month trivia

  1. Who was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize and in what category?

  2. Who was the first female astronaut to travel to space and in what year did she make the trip?

  3. Who was the first female Supreme Court justice in the United States and when was she appointed?

  4. Who was the first female prime minister of a country and in what country did she serve?

  5. Who was the first woman to win an Olympic gold medal and in what event did she compete?

  6. Who was the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and for what book?

  7. Who was the first woman to run for president in the United States and in what year did she run?

  8. Who was the first woman to receive a patent for her invention and for what invention did she receive the patent?

  9. Who was the first female director to win an Academy Award for Best Director and for what film did she win the award?

  10. Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in Economics and for what contributions did she receive the award?

  11. Who was turned down by 29 medical schools before being admitted and later became the first licensed female doctor in the United States?

International Women’s Day trivia questions

In addition to general Women's History Month trivia questions, consider incorporating International Women's Day trivia questions into your event. International Women's Day, which takes place on March 8th, is a global day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

Here are some International Women's Day trivia questions to include:

  1. When and where was International Women's Day first observed?

  2. Who proposed the idea of International Women's Day and why did they propose it?

  3. What is the theme for International Women's Day 2023?

  4. Who was the first woman to climb Mount Everest and in which year?

  5. Many famous women have delivered keynote speeches or addresses on International Women's Day in the past. Name two.

  6. What is the significance of the color purple on International Women's Day?

  7. How has International Women's Day evolved over the years and what does it represent today?

  8. What are some common activities or events held on International Women's Day around the world?

  9. What countries have declared International Women's Day a national holiday and why is this significant?

  10. Who wrote the book “Silent Spring”, which started the Environmental Movement?

Women’s History Month trivia themes

When brainstorming and creating more trivia questions for your Women’s History Month trivia, here are some categories and themes to draw inspiration from:

  1. Women pioneers

  2. Women in arts, culture, and entertainment

  3. Women in STEM

  4. Women in leadership and politics

  5. Women in sports

  6. Gender equality

  7. Women’s education

Incorporating these questions into your Women's History Month Trivia event can not only add an international aspect, but also highlight the continued struggle for women's rights and equality on a global scale.

To make your Women's History Month Trivia event even more fun and engaging, consider adding interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, or games. For example, you could divide employees into teams and have a trivia competition, or use polls to ask questions and have employees submit their answers. You could also incorporate other Women's History Month virtual activities such as a virtual museum tour or a discussion on the role of women in history.

It's also important to remember that Women's History Month Trivia is not just about recognizing the accomplishments of famous women, but also about uplifting and valuing the contributions of all women. Consider incorporating questions about women in your own workplace or community who have made a significant impact or contributed to your company's success. This not only celebrates the achievements of these women, but also promotes a culture of recognition and appreciation within the workplace.

Why should you celebrate Women’s History Month at work?

Celebrating Women's History Month in the workplace is not only a way to acknowledge the contributions and achievements of women throughout history, but it also promotes a culture of diversity and inclusivity within the workplace. Recognizing the important role that women have played in shaping our society and the challenges they have faced and overcome helps to create a more understanding and supportive workplace environment. By celebrating Women's History Month, companies can show their commitment to gender equality and provide employees with the opportunity to learn and grow together.

In addition, celebrating Women's History Month can also have a positive impact on employee morale and motivation. It allows employees to take a break from their day-to-day tasks and engage in a fun and educational activity that celebrates the achievements of women. This can increase a sense of community and foster positive relationships among employees, as well as help to create a more inclusive and supportive work environment. By investing in Women's History Month celebrations, companies can demonstrate their commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion, and create a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected.

Woman celebrating Women's History month virtual activities with Women's History Month trivia

Tips for hosting a successful Women’s History Month event

Here are a few tips on how to organize virtual Women's History Month activities for your workplace.

  1. Choose a theme: Decide on a theme for your Women's History Month virtual activities. This could be anything from celebrating trailblazing women in science and technology, to highlighting the contributions of women in your local community. Having a theme will help to focus your activities and make them more impactful.

  2. Plan virtual events: There are many different virtual events that you can organize to celebrate Women's History Month. For example, you could host a virtual Women’s History Month trivia night, a discussion panel on women in leadership, or a virtual museum tour highlighting the contributions of women throughout history. Choose events that will engage your employees and encourage them to participate.

  3. Use technology to your advantage: There are many tools and platforms that you can use to host virtual events, such as Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams. Make sure to choose a platform that is easy to use and accessible to all employees. You can also seek out a professional, like virtual team building company Bar None Games.

  4. Encourage participation: Encourage your employees to participate in the virtual Women's History Month activities by sending out reminders and updates. You could also create a dedicated channel on your company's communication platform, such as Slack or Microsoft Teams, where employees can discuss and share information about the events.

  5. Keep it fun: Finally, remember to keep the virtual Women's History Month activities fun and engaging. Encourage employees to interact with each other and participate in the events, and make sure that the activities are inclusive and accessible to all employees.

By using technology to your advantage, encouraging participation, and keeping the events fun and engaging, you can create a memorable and impactful Women's History Month celebration for your workplace.

Host Women’s History Month Trivia with Bar None Games

Hosting a Women's History Month Trivia event is a fun and educational way to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women throughout history. By incorporating International Women's Day Trivia questions and interactive elements, you can create an engaging and inclusive event that promotes a culture of diversity and equality within the workplace. 

Bar None Games offers the perfect event for groups looking for educational, engaging programming. With professional hosts and seamless operations, your live-hosted event is guaranteed to bring a good time. Celebrate with Women’s History Month Trivia or Women’s History Month Celebration Games - two unique offerings brought to you by a woman-owned small business. 

So gather your co-workers, get ready for some exciting trivia, and let's celebrate the incredible women who have made history! 

Book a live-hosted Women’s History Month trivia event


How to Play Jeopardy on Zoom: Step-by-step Guide


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