5 exciting virtual games you can play with your friends, family, or remote team

The right game can strengthen friendships, build relationships between team members, and help families reconnect without having to meet physically. Here are five virtual games to play with your team, friends, or family that can help players de-stress and boost their mental health.

Virtual Karaoke

If you and your friends, family, and colleagues miss singing your hearts out in the clubs or at bars, virtual karaoke is the right online game to revive this experience. Organize a karaoke night on Zoom and challenge players to sing their most revered songs. Whether it’s shouting their treasured Taylor Swift song or lip-syncing their favorite Jay-Z rap lines, this can bring fun moments to all players and help them destress.

Host virtual anagram sessions

Invite friends or remote co-workers to come and exercise their brains while having fun by rearranging names, words, and randomly placed letters to form other meaningful words. Start by getting as many anagrammable words and letters as possible - either from movies, industry jargon, or pop culture. Now ask participants to rearrange the letters into the proper words. The first to get the arrangement right becomes the winner. You can do this individually or divide players into groups to compete.

Scavenger hunt

Bring your team members or friends together to hunt for a list of items in their respective locations. Come up with a list of 5 or more items you want them to find. This can be a photo of their favorite tourist attraction, the first book they bought or read, or their first-ever movie ticket. Set a timer and leave players to hunt in their home for the items on the list. The first to find most of the items within the set time frame wins the round. Virtual scavenger hunts are fun to play and help the team bring up some memories while discovering their adventurous skills.

Online trivia games

Like anagrams, trivia is another brain exercise game that’s exciting to play with friends, family, or team members. To start, you can use trivia questions from Bar None Games. Make sure your questions cover an array of topics, including pop culture, movies, music, leadership, history, and anything that would look be interesting to play. Then allow players to compete by guessing the correct answers to these trivia questions and winning prizes if possible.

Virtual murder mystery

One of the best virtual games to play with family and friends is a murder mystery. Gather a list of murder mystery scenarios and get participants to act as detectives in solving these cases. Each participant can be assigned one murder case or you can group them, where each group solves one or more mystery cases. This is a fun brain exercise to determine the detectives in your team, build relationships, and brush up on your problem-solving skills.


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