Excellent ideas to host a successful virtual AAPI Heritage Month trivia as a remote team

Aside from virtual exhibitions, online parties, and digital advocacy, trivia is another exciting way to commemorate Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month as a remote team. However, it can be overwhelming to gather inclusive trivia questions considering the diversity in the AAPI community. At Bar None Games, there are over 150 rounds of trivia categories to make it easy for your team to create and host an excellent virtual AAPI Heritage Month trivia game. And for teams that want to come up with their own trivia or get some question ideas, here are AAPI Heritage Month themes for inspiration.

Trivia to learn about the origins of the AAPI community

It’s easy to see Asian and Pacific Islander Americans as those coming from only a handful of countries - Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, and the Philippines. This conclusion is usually because of the popularity of these countries on the global landscape. Use trivia to highlight the many beautiful nations that make up this community: 48 countries in Asia and 15 countries in the Pacific. It’s a great way to understand the locational diversity of the community and help your team learn about the different sub-regions, including Micronesia, Melanesia, and Oceania in the Pacific Islands and Eastern, Southern, South-East, and Western Asia.

Culturally diverse themed trivia

From Southern and Eastern Asia to Micronesia in the Pacific Islands, there are nuanced cultural differences that your virtual trivia should highlight. This will ensure that everyone is captured, which also goes a long way to advancing diversity and inclusion at your remote company. In creating these trivia questions, teams should cover the differences and uniqueness of the AAPI community in terms of culture, food, religion, family, fashion, and ethnicity, just to mention a few.

Historical trivia

Did you know that the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month falls in May because that was the period the first Japanese immigrant first arrived in America? This, and many other historical events, including the year AAPI Heritage Month began and how it has grown over the years are great fun facts to include in your virtual trivia. It will help participants learn about AAPI history and their contributions to American society.

Trivia on AAPI community impact

The Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have had a great impact on America. They have made significant contributions in the areas of economic growth, technological advancements, civil rights, justice, and research, just to mention a few. Include trivia about the AAPI community’s impact to help participants appreciate their role in the economy and in people’s lives.

Trivia about prominent personalities

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are doing great work across America. In every sphere and in every community, there are prominent AAPI personalities making an impact. As you host a virtual AAPI Heritage Month trivia, include these personalities so that participants can learn about these trailblazers. This could include AAPI pioneers and change-makers, from Eric S. Yuan (CEO of Zoom) and Kamala Harris (first Asian American Vice President of the United States) to Haunani Kay Trask (an advocate for Hawaiian Statehood).


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