5 important themes when organizing trivia games for the office

No one is immune to stress and boredom, regardless of whether they are working remotely or in the office, which is why organizing trivia games for the office is the perfect way for employees to de-stress, strengthen work relationships, and have fun. While there’s a lot to consider, one of the most important factors that could make or break your trivia game is the type of theme you go with. Selecting a theme may be simple, but if your goal is to meet the needs of all team members, you’ll need to look broader - what might look exciting for one could disgust another. Below, we take you through some of the best themes to choose in order to create inclusivity in your team.

Movie-themed trivia games

Chances are, everybody on your team watches movies. They also have favorites. Include a movie-themed trivia game that challenges employees to name their favorite movies and stars, name the movies with the most awards, and guess the year certain movies were released. These types of trivia help employees recall their most memorable shows and learn some facts about the movies their colleagues love to watch. Remember to spice this up by including as many movies from different genres as possible.

Book-themed trivia games

Research says that 30 percent of the international online population read books “every day or most days”, and chances are, your employees are part of them. The goal here is to include as many book genres as possible in order to cater to everyone’s favorite. Some of the most popular and relatable book-themed questions to add to your trivia games: book titles, year released, author’s name, most expensive auctions, etc.

Sports-themed trivia games

The thrill of the game, the excitement of being a fan, and the tears that come with losing - all of these tell us a lot about how invested we are in our favorite sports! Of course, your employees are included. This makes sports-themed trivia games for the office not only exciting but also an avenue for members to learn about other sports. Interesting questions in this category could range from popular sports categories to awards and personality profiles.

Music-themed trivia games

From soothing us to making us think or dance, music engages all of us in different ways. And whether you’re a hip-hop Stan, a jazz lover, or a country fan, music is a big part of your personal and work life. Adding music-themed questions to your trivia game would entertain all music lovers in the team, enable them to learn more about genres new to them, and probably encourage some of them to get new recommendations for their playlists. Ask employees to name their favorite all-time songs, the artists they listen to the most, or play a song and ask them to guess the author or year released. Here, the goal is to cover as many songs and genres as possible.

Jeopardy-style trivia games

For a challenging yet exciting trivia game for the office, a Jeopardy-style- trivia could be just what you’re looking for. The idea is simple: instead of giving the questions to the team and expecting answers, they rather get the answer and be asked to guess the question. This is a twist on quiz games and could include sports, music, politics, movies, or questions that could keep your team excited. For example, if the answer provided is “Restaurant with the slogan ‘eat fresh’” and the category is “I want it that way”, then the winning team is supposed to guess a question like “What is Subway?” People love Jeopardy and this is a fun spin to put on a classic trivia game.


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