It’s not always easy to keep company morale up, especially if you’re working in a partial or fully-remote environment. If you’re not seeing co-workers regularly and only meeting online to discuss business, these interactions can get a bit dull and company morale can start to decline. So how can you help boost employee morale, even if you’re not in the office with one another very often? With the help of fun virtual games that can promote teamwork and communication! We share some of our favorite virtual team games in today’s blog.

Host A Virtual Happy Hour

You may not be able to gather around the water cooler or head to a nearby restaurant for a happy hour, but you can still host one in the digital realm. Have everyone grab their favorite drink and join you for a Zoom happy hour wherever they are located. Catching up with one another and talking about anything other than work can be a great way to connect with other team members in a more relaxed setting. Our team can even send snacks or beverages to your team no matter where they are located if you want them to be able to catch up over tasty treats or share a cocktail at happy hour!

Gather A Set Of Fun Icebreaker Questions

Icebreaker questions sometimes get a bad name, but if you have fun and engaging questions, it can really get your group talking and learning about one another, which can actually improve communication in a business setting. If you’re hosting a group for a virtual holiday party, ask them about their favorite Christmas present from years past, or have them share their favorite holiday song. For non-holiday parties, think outside the box. Ask your group if they had to delete all but three apps from their phone, which ones would they keep? Get creative and help your teammates learn about one another.

Choose An Activity Where It Encourages Collaboration And Conversation

Find an activity that encourages your team to work and communicate together to solve a problem. They may do this in a business setting, but they’ll enjoy it more in a relaxed setting, and this can actually improve how team members interact in a work environment. Trivia is the perfect activity for collaboration and conversation. You can make up your own trivia questions, or you can outsource the game to the team at Bar None Games. We have 60-minute trivia events with picture rounds, music rounds and a general question round that will challenge your team in new ways. Crown a trivia champion and foster collaboration between your team by running a monthly virtual trivia contest.

Switch Up What Types Of Activities You’re Doing So That You Have A Varied Mix Of Virtual Games For Your Team

If you’re having a monthly virtual team-building session, switch up activities each month to help keep the get-togethers fresh and something that people look forward to. Not everyone is going to love a happy hour, an icebreaker session or even trivia, so switch it up each month. Do a Secret Santa exchange one month, a show-and-tell event the next month, or book one of our mini game packages like Survey Says or Scavenger Hunt to keep people on their toes.

Utilize Tools On Slack Which Can Make Games Easily Accessible To Everyone Even If You Only Have Five Minutes

Slack is a great way to communicate with your team in a quick and efficient manner, and you can even play games on Slack. Not only can you group conversations based on team or topic, but you can also start and finish games at your leisure through Slack. So if you’re crunched for time but want to play a game with your team members, you can do it through your Slack channel. Learn more about Slack and the apps you can run through the platform here.

Set A Regular Cadence For Fun Virtual Team Games 

Finally, we’ve found that it’s oftentimes easier to set your virtual get-together at a similar time each month. Figure out what works for your team and make an announcement that you’ll be adding team activities at that time in the future. It’s easier for people to plan for the event if they know ahead of time when to expect it. Host it on the last Friday of every month, or brighten up the start of the week by kicking off Monday morning with a virtual event. Learn what works best for your team and set a schedule so they can always attend.

If you’re wondering how to get started with virtual team building events, let the team at Bar None Games get the ball rolling. We’d be happy to run an icebreaker, mini game or full trivia game for you and your team! To learn more about our options, or to talk with a host about creating the perfect game for your group, head on over to our booking page


5 important themes when organizing trivia games for the office


How to make your virtual Christmas party exciting and special