90+ Fun Ice Breakers for Virtual Meetings

Coworkers answering virtual ice breakers

The rise of virtual meetings is one of the most important parts of remote work. They allow teams to collaborate, work effectively, and build strong cultures while working from different parts of the world.

However, it can be difficult to get everyone to connect and feel comfortable around a virtual meeting table. That is why ice breakers are such an important tool for these meetings.

There are many different types of fun virtual ice breakers that you can use during your virtual meetings. A good ice breaker can be something as simple as asking to share a favorite quote, story from your childhood, or one of your favorite movies.

Let’s explore popular ice breaker themes and the numerous types of questions and prompts you can use to break the ice during virtual meetings with your team.

How to create fun ice breakers for virtual meetings

Themes are the basis of the best virtual ice breakers. Some popular themes that work well for virtual ice breakers include:

1.   Family-themed ice breakers

In a virtual team setting, it can be difficult to get to know your teammates on a personal level. This is because you're not always interacting in person, which means there are fewer opportunities for the personal conversations that would typically happen in a traditional office setting. However, you can still build rapport with your colleagues and develop strong relationships with them by finding ways to have meaningful interactions. One way you can do this is by sharing family-themed ice breakers with one another. The purpose of these ice breakers is not only for team building but also for generating meaningful conversations that will allow you and your teammates to grow closer as people.

2.   Two truths and a lie

Two Truths and A Lie is a game in which one player asks the other players a series of questions. These questions will contain two truths, and one lie. The other players are tasked to differentiate the truths from the lies. This game can also be used as a team building activity, as it requires team members to work together in order to find the "lie" among three statements given by their teammates. It's an easy, informal way to get people talking and break down any barriers that might exist between them.

3.   Favorite TV Shows

If you are looking for a fun icebreaker activity, you should try to create one around your team’s favorite TV shows. Whether it’s asking everyone their favorite scene or character, or it’s inspired by some of the show’s best moments, this icebreaker theme will get people talking. The benefit of this activity is that it will help you get to know each other better, which will help make the work environment more enjoyable for everyone.

4.   Favorite foods

Some of the most popular and fun ice breakers for virtual meetings are food-themed ones (who doesn’t love good food?). This is a great way to get people talking about their favorite food, what they like to eat, and how often they eat it. If you’d like to make this a full event, you can have teams make and bring their favorite foods, then take turns presenting a little bit about them (where they found the recipe, when they first tried it, if it has cultural importance to them, etc).

5.   Movie-themed ice breakers

We are living in a world that is constantly competing for attention. It is important to find effective ways to get your remote teams’ attention and make them want to stay engaged.

One way that you can do this is by making ice breakers that are related to movies. Movies are a popular topic of conversation, which means that they will be an easy way to start conversations and get people interested in what you have to say. They also provide an opportunity to learn more about your colleagues and their interests.

6.   Book-themed trivia questions

Having a team of remote employees can make it difficult to connect at work. However, creating trivia questions and fun ice breakers related to your team’s favorite books can be a great way to keep things interesting. You can even start a team book club!

Fun ice breakers your virtual meetings

We now know the importance of ice breakers, and we have an idea of some of the best themes that make an ice breaker activity great. Here are ice breaker questions used by virtual teams of all sizes for team bonding and fun moments.

Movie-themed ice breakers

Some of the best and most popular movie-themed ice breakers include:

  1. What's your favorite movie?

  2. What movie quote describes you best?

  3. Name a movie that you think everyone should watch.

  4. Who is your favorite actor/actress?

  5. Name your favorite scene from a movie.

  6. If you could be any character from any movie, who would it be and why?

  7. What's the one thing you would change in a movie?

  8. In a movie of your life, who would play you?

  9. What movie title best describes your day so far?

  10. If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life , which one would it be and why?

Book-themed ice breaker questions

These book-themed trivia and ice breaker questions are not just for book clubs they can be used in any environment where you want to help build meaningful relationships.

  1. What is the title of the first book in the Harry Potter series?

  2. If you were to write a book about yourself, what would the title be?

  3. What is the title of J.D. Salinger's classic novel about Holden Caulfield?

  4. What is the title of Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel set in Gilead?

  5. What is the name of John Green's award-winning novel about Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters?

  6. What is your favorite book?

  7. What is your favorite movie based on a book?

  8. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  9. What is the last book you read and what did you think of it?

  10. What are some books that everyone should read in their lifetime?

  11. What is one book that is on your list to read this year? 

Holiday-themed ice breakers

There are many ice breakers that can be used for the holiday season. Some of them are seasonal, while others can be used at any time of the year. The following icebreakers are designed to engage participants in a conversation about something related to the holidays.

  1. Do you prefer giving or receiving holiday gifts?

  2. What is your favorite holiday tradition?

  3. What is your favorite holiday gift you have ever received?

  4. What is your favorite holiday of the year and why?

  5. What is a fun holiday tradition that you do every year?

  6. Are you a big holiday decorator?

  7. Are you more a holiday party host, or a holiday party attendee?

  8. What is the most memorable holiday experience you’ve had?

  9. Which holiday movie is your favorite?

  10. What is your favorite holiday food?

  11. What is a holiday you’ve never personally experienced, but would like to?

“Would you rather?” ice breakers

The best “would you rather” questions elicit a strong response from participants and make them think about themselves or their surroundings in an interesting way. Here are some of our favorites:

  1. Would you rather be able to talk with the animals or speak all foreign languages?

  2. Would you rather win the lottery or live twice as long?

  3. Would you feel worse if no one showed up to your wedding or to your funeral?

  4. Would you rather be without internet for a week, or without your phone?

  5. Would you rather listen to music from the ’70s or music from today?

  6. Would you rather become someone else or just stay you?

  7. Would you rather be Batman or Spiderman?

  8. Would you rather be stuck on a broken ski lift or in a broken elevator?

  9. For your birthday, would you rather receive cash or gifts?

  10. Would you rather go on a cruise with friends or with your spouse?

  11. Would you rather lose your keys or your cell phone?

  12. Would you rather eat a meal of cow tongue or octopus?

  13. Would you rather have x-ray vision or magnified hearing?

  14. Would you rather work in a group or work alone?

  15. Would you rather be stuck on an island alone or with someone who talks incessantly?

  16. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?

Family-themed ice breakers

Here are some family-themed icebreakers:

  1. What is your favorite childhood memory?

  2. What is your favorite family tradition?

  3. What is your most embarrassing moment with your family?

  4. What is your favorite memory of your grandparents?

  5. Who is your favorite family member?

  6. What's your favorite thing your family does together?

  7. What's the most embarrassing thing your mom has done?

“This or that” ice breakers

A "This or that" ice breaker asks a person to choose between two things that are similar, but not identical. The person being questioned must choose one of the two choices. These often lead to a friendly debate and spark exciting conversations.

  1. Pizza or pasta?

  2. Dog or cat?

  3. Night or morning?

  4. Pineapple pizza or candy corn?

  5. Winning the lottery or finding your soulmate?

  6. Hot weather or cold weather?

  7. French fries or tater tots?

  8. Phone in bathroom or no phone in bathroom?

  9. Sort by price or by rating?

  10. Beer or wine?

  11. Zombies or vampires?

  12. Bad breath or body odor?

  13. Los Angeles or New York City?

  14. Loud neighbors or nosey neighbors?

  15. Travel by train or travel by plane?

  16. Vacation or staycation?

  17. Netflix or Hulu?

Funny virtual ice breakers

The best virtual icebreakers are ones that make people laugh. Here are some fun questions to create humor and build relationships at work as a remote team.

  1. What is your funniest memory with your best friend?

  2. What is the craziest dare you have ever taken?

  3. What were your teenage anthems?

  4. If you could be eating any food in the world right now, what would it be?

  5. If you were a store at the mall, which would you be?

  6. What is your worst date story?

  7. Which of your past Halloween costumes is your favorite?

  8. Do you have any guilty pleasure shows that you watch?

  9. Tell the team a knock-knock joke.

  10. What is the strangest item near you?

  11. If you were sponsored by a brand, which one would you want it to be?

  12. What topic do you know a lot of random trivia about?

  13. If your life became an action movie, which fictional character would you want to be?

  14. What is a common thing that you have never done (travel by plane, change a tire, etc.)?

  15. If you could live in any sitcom universe, which would it be?

  16. What is the scariest thing you have done for fun?

  17. If you had to wear a shirt with one word on it for an entire year, which word would you choose?

  18. If you were in the wrestling ring, who would be your opponent?

Level up your virtual meetings with interactive ice breakers

Looking for virtual ice breakers that aren’t boring or cheesy? We were looking for the same thing - which is why the Bar None Games team created our Interactive Icebreakers event! With collaborative activities and rotating teams, this game will activate your creativity and stay exciting. Plus, a professional live host will facilitate the activity to ensure that everyone is engaged and meets a wide variety of new people during the event.

Book a live-hosted virtual ice breakers event


12 Virtual Team Building Games for Work: Ideas to Build Relationships as a Remote Team


61 Trivia Questions for Your Virtual Holiday Party