Fun and exciting ideas to commemorate a virtual Black History Month Celebration

Started by Carter G. Woodson in 1926, Black History Month (BHM) is celebrated every February in the United States and Canada, and most recently observed in the UK and Ireland, to honor the accomplishments and contributions of the African-American community to America.

While schools, companies, and communities may not organize in-person get-togethers and tours because of the pandemic, there are many ways we can commemorate this important month-long event virtually. Here’s a run-down of excellent activities you can organize for your remote team during Black History Month.

A virtual tour of important historical and cultural sites

Organize a virtual tour and take remote employees through important cultural and historical sites that highlight the history and achievements of African-Americans. Teams should be creative when organizing such tours. One way is to invite a professional virtual guide to take the team through particular historical events. Co-workers who live close to a historical site can also volunteer to take colleagues on a virtual tour using Zoom. For starters, here are some virtual programs the entire team can watch together:

●      Black History and Culture Project: Organized by Google, this virtual project explores everything about Black history, from the Civil Rights Movement and historical figures to modern Black creators in the US and around the world.

●      Explore More!: A virtual initiative of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Explore More! will take your team through 3D Models of museum artifacts, go back in time with Victor H. Green’s travel guide for African Americans, and much more.

Book a speaker for a virtual conference

Book a professional historian to give a keynote speech on Zoom about Black history. Make it interactive and give employees the opportunity to ask questions. To ensure that the conference isn’t too “formal”, organizers can chip in a few virtual mini-game sessions to make it fun.

Virtual game sessions with prizes that give back to the Black community

Organize virtual game competitions with the goal of donating the proceeds from winning teams or individuals to a black charity or community. The winning price could be cash, clothing, books, or pieces of art - and should be an opportunity for the entire organization to support a Black entrepreneur or a philanthropic cause. 

Educate the team in a fun way through Black History Month trivia

Your company’s virtual Black History Month celebration won’t be complete without a trivia game session. These trivia questions are educational for those with little knowledge of Black history and fun for the already existing historians in your company. Don’t forget to create questions around different themes, including Black athletes, history, politicians, and entertainers, among many others.

Celebrate Black History Month with Bar None Games

Whether you’re organizing a trivia event, a virtual game or inviting a speaker, Black History Month is a period for all of us as companies and teams to help create awareness about the history of African Americans, support Black communities, and start meaningful discussions about the contributions of the Black community to our society. Start your virtual Black History Month celebration now with Bar None Games.


2021 Year End Review


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