How to Play Family Feud at Work (Coworker Feud)

how to play family feud at work

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to bring your colleagues together? Look no further than playing a round of Family Feud at work, also known as Coworker Feud! This classic game show has been a fan favorite for decades, and it’s easy to see why. It’s a great way to build team morale and boost office camaraderie. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to play Family Feud at work so that you can bring a little bit of fun into your office.

What is Coworker Feud?

Coworker Feud is a spin-off of the popular game show Family Feud that's designed to be played in the workplace. Instead of featuring two families, Coworker Feud pits teams of coworkers against each other in a battle of wits and quick thinking. The game is played in the same way as Family Feud, with survey questions designed to be relevant and engaging to the workplace environment.

Coworker Feud is a great way to build camaraderie and foster a sense of teamwork in the office. It can also be a fun way to blow off steam and take a break from the daily grind. And best of all, it's a game that anyone can play – all you need is a little bit of creativity and a willingness to have fun.

How to play Family Feud at work

  1. Divide your office into teams

  2. Set up the game

  3. Choose a host

  4. Survey your coworkers

  5. Play the game

  6. Have fun!

  7. Ask for feedback

Step 1: Divide your office into teams

The first step to playing Family Feud at work is to divide your office into teams. You can have as many teams as you’d like, but we recommend having at least two. It’s important to make sure that each team is evenly balanced, with a mix of different personalities and skill sets. For example, you may want to have a mix of extroverts and introverts, as well as people with different areas of expertise. It's also a good idea to mix up seniority levels, so that newer employees have the opportunity to work with more experienced colleagues. When teams are well-balanced, it creates a level playing field and ensures that everyone has a chance to participate and contribute.

Step 2: Set up the game

Next, you’ll need to set up the game. You can purchase a Family Feud board game, or you can create your own using a whiteboard or poster board. The game consists of two rounds: the main round and the fast money round.

The main round is where the teams compete to see who can guess the most popular answers to a set of survey questions. The team with the most points at the end of the main round moves on to the fast money round, where they’ll have a chance to win even more points.

Step 3: Choose a host

Every game of Family Feud needs a host to ask the survey questions and keep the game moving. Choose someone in your office who is outgoing and has good communication skills to be the host. They should be comfortable speaking in front of a group and able to think on their feet in case any issues or unexpected situations arise during the game. If you’re feeling really ambitious, you can even create a podium for them to stand behind, complete with a microphone and sound effects to add to the game show atmosphere. Having a confident and engaging host can really make the game of Coworker Feud come alive and keep everyone entertained throughout the competition.

If you’re really looking to level up your Family Feud experience, consider getting a professional host with a team building company like Bar None Games.

Step 4: Survey your coworkers

Before you can play the game, you’ll need to survey your coworkers. Come up with a list of questions that are relevant to your office or industry. For example, if you work in a marketing agency, you might ask questions about social media trends or advertising strategies.

You can survey your coworkers in person or use an online survey tool like SurveyMonkey. Make sure to ask at least 10 questions to ensure that there are plenty of answers for the teams to guess.

Step 5: Play the game

Now it’s time to play! Here’s how the game works:

The host reads the first question aloud.

The first team has five seconds to confer and give their answer.

If their answer is on the board, they get the points that correspond to that answer. If their answer is not on the board, the other team has a chance to steal the points by giving an answer that is on the board.

The teams take turns answering questions until all the questions have been answered.

The team with the most points at the end of the main round moves on to the fast money round.

In the fast money round, one member of the winning team is chosen to answer five survey questions in 20 seconds. Their answers are then revealed, and the team earns points for each answer that is on the board. If they earn 200 points or more, they win the game!

Step 6: Have fun!

The most important part of playing Family Feud at work is to have fun! Encourage your coworkers to be enthusiastic and engage in some friendly competition. You can even offer a prize for the winning team, like a gift card or a catered lunch, to add an extra incentive for everyone to participate and give their best effort. When people are having fun and enjoying themselves, they are more likely to bond and form stronger relationships with their colleagues, which can improve overall morale in the office.

Step 7: Ask for feedback

After the game is over, ask for feedback from the players. This can help you make improvements for future games and ensure that everyone had a good time. Ask for their thoughts on the survey questions, the game rules, and anything else that might have affected their enjoyment of the game. You can also ask for suggestions for future survey questions or game variations that might make the game even more fun. Taking the time to listen to feedback and make changes based on that feedback can help you create an even better game experience for everyone in the office.

Example Family Feud questions for coworkers

Coming up with the right survey questions can make or break your game of Family Feud at work. You want questions that are engaging, relevant, and not too difficult to guess. Here are some example Family Feud questions that are perfect for playing with coworkers:

  1. Name a common distraction that prevents people from getting their work done.

  2. What's the most popular office snack?

  3. Name a skill that's essential for success in our industry.

  4. What's the biggest challenge that our team faces on a daily basis?

  5. Name something that most people forget to do before leaving the office.

  6. What's the most common way that people communicate with coworkers?

  7. Name a common time-waster in the workplace.

  8. What's the most popular social media platform among our coworkers?

  9. Name a common topic that comes up during office small talk.

  10. What's the most important quality in a good manager?

  11. Name a common item that people forget to bring to meetings.

  12. What's the most popular way to relieve stress in the workplace?

  13. Name something that's always running out in the office supply closet.

  14. What's the most popular coffee order among coworkers?

  15. Name a common team-building activity that our company could do.

  16. What's the most annoying thing that a coworker can do in the office?

  17. Name a common excuse for being late to work.

  18. What's the most common form of exercise that coworkers do together?

  19. Name a tool or software that's essential for our industry.

  20. What's the most popular type of music to listen to while working?

These questions are just a starting point – feel free to come up with your own based on your office culture and industry. And remember, the key is to keep the questions simple enough that they can be guessed easily, but not so obvious that they're no fun to answer. 

Host a virtual Family Feud game with Bar None Games

Playing Family Feud at work is a great way to build camaraderie and have some fun with your colleagues. By following these six simple steps, you can create an engaging and entertaining game that everyone in your office will enjoy. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can create a game that brings your coworkers together and helps to boost morale. 

Rather have someone else do the work? Check out Bar None Games! With 5 unique team building events, including our TV Game Show event which features a Family Feud-inspired round, you’re guaranteed to find an event that’s perfect for your team.

Book a live-hosted virtual TV Game Show game


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