Your Guide to Virtual Family Feud

coworkers playing virtual family feud

Family Feud is a classic game show that has been entertaining audiences for decades. With the rise of virtual communication, it's easier than ever to play a virtual version of the game with friends, family, or colleagues. In this blog post, we'll guide you through how to play virtual Family Feud, how to host a virtual Family Feud event for work, and even provide some example Family Feud questions to get you started.

How to Play Virtual Family Feud

Playing virtual Family Feud is easy and fun. Here are the steps you need to follow to get started:

  1. Choose your platform

  2. Gather your team

  3. Choose your host

  4. Set up the game

  5. Start the game

  6. Continue playing!

Keep reading for our step-by-step guide on how to play virtual Family Feud.

Step 1: Choose your platform

The first step is to decide which platform you will use to play virtual Family Feud. There are many options available, such as Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. Choose the one that you and your teammates are most comfortable with. 

Once you've chosen your platform, you'll want to make sure that everyone is able to access it and has any necessary permissions or login information. It's also a good idea to do a test run with your team to ensure that everyone knows how to use the platform and is able to join the game successfully. You may also want to consider using a virtual whiteboard or other collaboration tools to keep track of the game and display questions and answers. Finally, don't forget to establish any ground rules or guidelines for the game, such as time limits for answering questions or rules for buzzing in

Step 2: Gather your team

Once you've chosen your platform, it's time to gather your team. You'll need at least two teams of at least five people each. Make sure everyone has a reliable internet connection and a device to play on. Before the game starts, you may want to assign a team captain for each team. The captain can be responsible for coordinating their team's answers and communicating with the host. 

Step 3: Choose your host

Next, choose your host. The host will be responsible for reading the questions, keeping score, and running the game. Make sure your host is comfortable with the platform and familiar with the rules of the game.

To level up your experience, check out a virtual game night company like Bar None Games! Our team of professional entertainers is sure to bring the energy to your virtual Family Feud game.

Step 4: Set up the game

Now it's time to set up the game. The host should create a PowerPoint presentation or a document that includes the questions, answers, and scoring system. The game should consist of three rounds, each with a different theme. The host should also decide on the number of points each question is worth and how many answers are on the board.

Step 5: Start the game

Once everything is set up, it's time to start the game. The host should share their screen with the teams and read the first question. The first player to hit the "buzz in" button gets to answer first. If they get it right, their team gets the points. If they get it wrong, the other team has a chance to steal.

Step 6: Continue playing

Continue playing through all three rounds, keeping track of each team's score. At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins! To add a bit more excitement to the game, consider having the losing team perform a fun or silly task as a penalty, such as singing a song or doing a dance. This can add an element of fun to the game and encourage everyone to participate fully. Finally, don't forget to take plenty of pictures and videos to commemorate the event and share with your coworkers.

How to Host a Virtual Family Feud Event for Work

Hosting a virtual Family Feud event for work is a great way to boost morale and build team spirit. Here are some steps to follow to ensure that your event runs smoothly:

Step 1: Choose a date and time

The first step is to choose a date and time that works for everyone. Check your coworkers’ calendars or create a poll to see when the best date is to host the event. Make sure to give your colleagues plenty of notice so they can plan accordingly.

Step 2: Set up the game

Follow the steps above to set up the game. Make sure to choose questions that are appropriate for a work environment and avoid anything that could be considered offensive. See below for example Family Feud questions and our tips for creating the best questions for virtual Family Feud!

Step 3: Promote the event

Promote the event to your colleagues and encourage everyone to participate. You can create a flyer or send out an email invitation to get everyone excited. Don’t forget to send a day-of reminder in your team’s Slack channel.

Step 4: Choose prizes

To make the event even more fun, consider offering prizes for the winning team. You could offer gift cards, company swag, or even a half-day off! Offering prizes will not only incentivize participants to join the event, it will also amp up the friendly competition during the game.

When choosing prizes, consider the interests of your colleagues and the company culture. You could even involve your coworkers in the prize selection process by asking for their input or creating a poll. Another fun idea is to offer a consolation prize for the losing team, such as a virtual high-five or a funny meme. This can help ensure that everyone feels included and appreciated, regardless of the outcome of the game.

Step 5: Have fun!

On the day of the event, make sure to have fun! Encourage your colleagues to get into the spirit of the game and enjoy themselves. The environment should be relaxed and inviting, so that everyone feels comfortable speaking up and participating. 

remote worker learning how to play virtual family feud

Example Virtual Family Feud Questions

Here are some example virtual Family Feud questions to get you started:

  1. Name something you might find in a salad.

  2. Name a popular social media platform.

  3. Name a type of fruit.

  4. Name a famous movie star.

  5. Name a popular vacation destination.

  6. Name a type of pet.

  7. Name a type of cuisine.

  8. Name a popular television show.

  9. Name a type of vehicle.

  10. Name a popular musical artist.

  11. Name a type of outdoor activity.

  12. Name a popular board game.

  13. Name a type of candy.

  14. Name a type of flower.

  15. Name a popular cocktail.

  16. Name a type of dessert.

  17. Name a popular sport.

  18. Name a type of exercise.

These questions are just a starting point. You can come up with your own questions that are tailored to your group and their interests. Remember to keep the questions and answers fun and engaging, but also appropriate for the audience.

When it comes to coming up with Family Feud questions for work, it's important to keep your audience in mind. Think about the industry you work in, the types of products or services your company offers, and the interests of your colleagues. You can also consider creating questions that relate to your company culture or inside jokes. Another tip is to involve your coworkers in the process by asking them to suggest questions or themes for the game. By doing so, you'll ensure that everyone feels included and invested in the game.

Benefits of Playing Virtual Family Feud at Work

Playing Family Feud at work is a great team building exercise that can help foster stronger relationships among colleagues. By participating in a fun and engaging game, team members can get to know each other better and build a sense of camaraderie. Team building is important in the workplace because it can help increase productivity, boost morale, and improve communication among team members. When employees feel connected to their coworkers, they are more likely to collaborate effectively and work together to achieve shared goals. In addition, team building activities can help to identify and address potential conflicts or issues, ultimately resulting in a more positive and productive work environment.

Host Virtual Family Feud with Bar None Games

Playing virtual Family Feud is a great way to connect with friends, family, and colleagues, while having fun at the same time. Whether you're hosting a game for work or playing with your loved ones, following the steps outlined above will ensure that your game runs smoothly and everyone has a good time. 

If you’d rather leave the work to a professional, Bar None Games offers a unique, engaging TV Game Show event, featuring virtual Family Feud and other games inspired by your favorite TV game show. So gather your team, set up your game, and get ready to play virtual Family Feud!

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