The importance of team building: an in-depth guide for teams of all sizes

Coworkers learning the importance of team building

The future of work will be more reliant on people than ever before. This means the importance of human connections at work is becoming increasingly important. It’s not just about getting along with your colleagues, but also about the personal relationships you build with them.

This is where team building comes into play.  Whether you’re a small remote team or a team of thousands working in the same office, you should never underestimate the importance of team building in making you productive or happy at work.

But what is team building, and how can your company or team take advantage of these activities?  In this post, we’ll walk you through:

  • What is team building?

  • Factors to consider when creating team building activities for your team

  • Why is team building so important?

  • How to host team building activities for your remote team with Bar None Games

Let’s go through the ins and outs of team building to help get you and your team on the right path. 

What is team building?

Team building is a process of empowering people to work together and achieve goals as a group. It helps coworkers get to know each other better, and build relationships and trust, which leads to increased productivity.

However, team building activities are not just about getting together and talking about your day. They also provide opportunities for people to learn new skills, have fun, and get energized by the positive energy of the group.

A successful team building activity can be executed in many ways. One way is through interactive activities such as trivia, karaoke nights, wine tastings, or hiking. Another way to approach team building is through activities that help people get out of their comfort zones, like giving a speech in front of the whole team or playing a new instrument for the first time.

Factors to consider when creating team building activities for your team

In today’s world, team building is becoming more popular as companies are trying to adapt their business strategies with an emphasis on teamwork.

While planning a team building activity, there are some important factors that should be considered before starting. These factors include:

Desired outcome

Before you start planning your team building activity, it is important to focus on the desired outcome of your event. This is so you can make sure that everyone is on the same page and that the event will be enjoyed by all. The desired outcome can be anything from having fun, practicing creativity, or learning a new skill set. The idea is to help people take away something that they can use in their everyday lives and feel good about it too!

Team size

The size of the team is one of the most important factors to consider when planning a team building activity. It is important to ensure that everyone has a chance to participate in the event and have fun, no matter what your team size is.

How much time should the team dedicate to these activities

It is important to consider how much time your team has. The amount of time you allot will determine how many activities or what kind of activity the team will be able to complete.

Plan your budget

It is necessary to decide on the budget for your team building activity so that you can plan your events accordingly. The cost of the event will depend on factors such as location, duration, and activities. For example, if you are planning a team-building event such as wine tasting for a large team, you will have to pay more than if you were planning a virtual trivia event.


Location can also play an important role in creating an engaging team building activity, especially for teams working in the office. It may be necessary to consider weather conditions, time restrictions, and other logistical constraints when deciding on where and when to host it.

Team members’ schedule

It is not easy to decide what activities to do, how long the event will last, and when to schedule them. The best way to decide on the schedule of team building activities is by checking team members’ schedules, trying different ideas, and seeing which ones work best for your company culture.

Variety of activities

Activities can vary depending on the culture, age, and location of your team. Some team building activities are more common in the United States versus European countries In some countries, people might partake in an activity or holiday that celebrates their heritage like Peru’s Pachamama dance or Mexico’s Day of the Dead celebration. Other team-building activities involve something physical, playing games like soccer or basketball. There can be a variety of different activities that are suitable for your team.

Dynamic and collaborative

A team building exercise should be dynamic and interactive, with activities that help the team to bond with each other while working on something they all care about. Activities that work towards a common goal will help your team build these relationships while having fun.

Coworkers learning the importance of team building

Why is team building so important?

The importance of team building activities in the workplace can never be underestimated. Therefore, it is important for companies to take time off from their regular work in order to build their team. There are several benefits of team building, such as:

Helps create trust and rapport among employees

Team building is an essential part of the corporate culture and one of the best ways to increase employee engagement. It also helps employees feel more connected with their colleagues, leading to a better understanding of the company culture.

Helps improve productivity, creativity, and morale

Team building helps improve productivity by improving communication and collaboration. This can be seen through the development of trust among team members as well as the improvement of work quality. It also improves creativity by increasing the ability to brainstorm ideas and solve problems together. Team building also helps improve morale by providing a sense of belonging to employees and fostering a sense of teamwork within the company that is beneficial for both the individual and the company overall.

Provides opportunities for learning and growth

Team building activities provide opportunities for learning and growth that are not always available during normal working hours. For example, one of the ways that team building activities can be used is by developing skills in areas of personal interest or expertise from different members. This is a great opportunity for the team to learn new skills that they might not have had time to learn before or get better at something that  they already know.

Helps grow problem-solving, and decision-making skills

Team building has been proven to be an effective way of improving people's problem-solving, decision-making, and communication skills. It helps employees understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses as well as develop an understanding of the work culture for better decision-making.

Unlocks leadership potential

Today, many companies have adopted team building as an integral part of their leadership development strategy. The idea is that when people are brought together to cooperate on these activities, they start to realize how much they have in common. They also learn from one another’s failures and successes, which helps build their leadership and management skills.

Shows appreciation

Team building can be used to show appreciation to your employees. There are various ways to do this. One of the best is to create a competition with prizes and incentives through activities such as trivia and scavenger hunts. You can also give your employees a gift when they participate in an activity. This can be anything from a small token of appreciation to a larger gift. Some companies also use the opportunity to organize picnics, retreats, or even all-inclusive vacations for their team.

Resolves conflicts

Team building is a powerful tool that can be used to resolve conflicts between team members and between departments. There are many ways that it can be implemented - from formal activities like brainstorming sessions to informal activities such as going out for lunch together.  The goal here is to help teams work together in a safe, positive, and constructive way. It’s not a competition – but rather an environment where people feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions.

Embraces diversity at work

Team building activities help your company to embrace diversity among working teams. In order to build a diverse workforce, companies must provide opportunities for people to work together on projects that require collaboration and teamwork. Team-building activities are an effective way that companies can do this.

Host team building activities for your remote team with Bar None Games

At Bar None Games, we offer engaging virtual games and team building activities that are built to help you build your team’s skills and create connections with your coworkers regardless of their location.

Book a live-hosted virtual trivia game


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