4 best-kept secrets for hosting an unforgettable Zoom trivia

In a remote-first world, Zoom trivia can do wonders. It can build relationships between families without them gathering physically, help friends in different parts of the world to exercise their brains while having fun, or help remote employees build relationships and nurture company culture. However, the road to this level of success isn’t always smooth - great tactics and excellent execution will help pull this off. Below, we outline some of the best-kept secret strategies that remote companies, families, and friends have used to host successful Zoom trivia.

Search for interesting trivia questions

In order to make a trivia game that’s exciting, you need to have a lot of diverse questions. You can gather these questions from surveying your remote team for question ideas, getting ideas from your favorite TV shows, movies, books, and songs, or reaching out to friends or family to ask them for ideas. When gathering questions, hosts should focus on a few themes, such as pop culture, music, current affairs, or personal content - just to mention a few. The goal here is to get as many questions as possible to help participants stay both educated and entertained.

Use Bar None Games to gather trivia questions

Coming up with fun and exciting trivia questions is never easy. Even with surveys and suggestions from friends, family, or remote co-workers, it can still be daunting to pick trivia that will include everyone. Bar None Games’ library of trivia themes is a great resource for your remote team, friends, or family to host memorable trivia sessions. With 150 themes and tens of thousands of questions, there’s content for everyone.

Send out invites to players early

The best way to get your remote team, family, or friends playing online trivia is by setting up an invitation. You can do this by sending them a Slack message or an email with the Zoom link. You can also share the link through social media or other channels. The goal here is to inform participants early enough so they can plan to attend and prepare beforehand.

Find a moderator for your Zoom trivia

One of the most important aspects of Zoom trivia is having a moderator or host. A host can help keep the trivia session on track and ensure that all participants are using their time wisely, following the rules, and having fun. Finding a moderator doesn’t need to be difficult - a family member or a co-worker can volunteer for the role. This should be done early enough to allow them to familiarize themselves with the trivia session and learn how to make it flow smoothly through Zoom. Among other things, the host should have excellent communication skills and be able to engage with players in a meaningful and fun way.


All-purpose virtual trivia games for everyone family, friends, or remote teams


Interesting bar trivia ideas to have fun and reconnect with friends and family