Interesting bar trivia ideas to have fun and reconnect with friends and family

While there are still some restrictions on physical activities and gatherings, bars and pubs are gradually opening up. For friends and family who have been away from one another for a long time, bar trivia questions may do wonders in cultivating fun, reconnecting and igniting relationships, and providing the space for everyone to share their experiences. Whether you’re meeting with old friends for the first time since the lockdown, reconnecting with family members, or meeting a few acquaintances for a drink, here are bar trivia ideas to lighten up your gathering and take the merrymaking to a whole new level.

Personal trivia

One of the best ways to start a conversation and allow people to open up is with a personal trivia question. It’s a great icebreaker and an effective way to reconnect with long-time friends, have fun with family, or get to know your new acquaintance. Some examples of personal trivia questions could be related to a person’s favorite color, their favorite food, or what they would like to do for fun.

Pop culture trivia

Pop culture trivia questions are a great way to test your knowledge of the latest movies, TV shows, and songs. You can create pop culture trivia questions by taking inspiration from the latest releases, or by looking at old movies and TV shows. The goal here is to make your bar trivia exciting and fun, and a way to discover the movie or music aficionados among your friends or family.

Sports trivia questions

Sports trivia is a great way to keep people entertained and engaged. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as in-game challenges or just for fun. When creating sports questions for bar trivia events, make sure questions are challenging but not too difficult so that everyone can enjoy guessing the answers.

Funny trivia questions

While all trivia questions can be funny, nothing beats adding funny questions throughout your bar trivia. These funny trivia questions are the ones that make people laugh, but also have a bit of truth to them. Whether your bar trivia session is with friends, family, or co-workers, humor is a great way to engage your audience and help them feel more relaxed.

Work-related trivia

Even with the pandemic, people still did great work. Some worked from home, others worked on the road, and some had a combination of both remote and in-person work arrangements. Use your bar trivia session to ask work-related trivia questions, which will give people the opportunity to share their work and talk about what they have been working on.


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