81 Work Trivia Questions That Your Team Will Enjoy

Coworkers playing 81 work trivia questions that your team will enjoy

Work trivia questions are a great way to engage your employees and celebrate  them for their hard work. Trivia questions and answers for work can be created for a range of different topics, from company history to current events. They can be as fun as they want, and you add a little extra excitement by giving prizes for correct answers or increasing the difficulty level.

If you’re looking to write  trivia work questions, there are many ways you can create them. You can always ask employees to submit contributions. You can also draw inspiration from your favorite topics or pop culture. In this post, we give you fun categories to gather inspiration for your  work trivia questions and answers so you and your team can start having fun.

What are some fun work trivia questions?

●      Work related trivia questions - learn about your company, office culture, and your teammates

●      Geography or country-themed trivia - explore the world’s countries and what makes them unique

●      Trivia about books - discover what others are reading, popular books, and brilliant authors

●      Disney trivia questions - bring the nostalgia with Disney-themed questions

●      Movie trivia questions - find the film aficionados on your team and find your next movie pick!

●      Sports trivia - challenge your team with questions about popular players, sports, and coaches


Workplace trivia

Workplace trivia challenges players to answer questions about the workplace. It’s designed to help workers learn more about themselves, their colleagues, and the company they work for.

This trivia can feature a variety of topics, including how to build an inclusive work environment, leadership styles, and office fun facts. Players answer trivia work questions to earn points and even win prizes! Some examples of  workplace trivia questions include:

  1. What is our company motto?

  2. Name 3 employees who have birthdays during the month of August

  3. When was our company founded?

  4. What percentage of our managers are women?

  5. Where is our headquarters?

  6. During an average day, how many miles does a typist’s fingers travel?

  7. How many states (or countries) do we have offices in?

  8. What is the name of our CEO?


Geography or country-themed trivia

This trivia is for teams who are interested in learning more about the different countries of the world while having fun. There’s a lot to learn about each country, including anything from their geography and continents to capitals and tourist attractions. The game is simple and fun to play - players just need to guess the correct answer to each question to win. Here are some country-related trivia questions for inspiration.

  1. The capital of this country has a population of over 1 million people

  2. What are the countries in Europe with flags having three-colored vertical stripes?

  3. The name of this country means “rich land” in Spanish

  4. This country’s flag features two horizontal stripes, one black and one white

  5. What is the world’s capital city?

  6. Valletta is the capital city of which island country?

  7. This country has a coastline along both the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean

  8. This country’s currency is called “peso”

  9. What is the capital of France?

  10. How many countries in Asia are UN members?

  11. Who is the president of India?

  12. What is the currency in China?

  13. What is the national dish in Japan?

  14. How many provinces are there in Canada?

  15. What are the five countries that start with the letter K?

  16. What is the smallest country in the world, based on landmass?


Trivia questions about books

The benefits of reading are innumerable. It provides a way for people to connect with themselves and the world around them in ways that would be difficult otherwise. Using books, authors, and their most interesting characters, you and your team can create fun trivia categories and questions that will get everyone excited. Some trivia questions to explore under this theme include:

  1. What is the name of the only book in the Harry Potter series that does not feature a chapter from Professor Dumbledore’s point of view?

  2. What is the name of the book written by Harper Lee?

  3. Who wrote the book The Lord of the Rings?

  4. What is the longest book ever written?

  5. What are the two most popular books in America in 2022?

  6. How many books have been published by Stephen King?

  7. What was the name of the book that started a revolution in publishing?

  8. What is the first word of A Tale of Two Cities?

  9. How many pages is The Hunger Games?

  10. Who wrote The Great Gatsby?

  11. What is the title of Jane Austen’s most famous novel?


Disney trivia questions

Disney has always been a major player in entertainment. It was not only their cartoons that made them so popular but their theme parks as well. From the days of Mickey Mouse to the introduction of Frozen, Disney has always kept up with the times and delivered what we need. With these different entertainment options, it is no wonder that Disney has had such an impact on us. It can serve as one of the best and most fun trivia categories for work while offering you and your team a way to test your knowledge of Disney movies, TV shows, and more.

  1. What was the name of the first Disney animated feature?

  2. What is the name of the Scottish terrier in Lady and the Tramp?

  3. Who is Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend?

  4. What is the name of the main character in Toy Story?

  5. What is the name of the villain from The Lion King?

  6. Which Disney princess has a pet named Pascal?

  7. What is the name of the song sung by Belle in Beauty and the Beast?

  8. Which Disney movie features a song called “I’m Wishing”?

  9. Which actor is the voice of the Disney character Genie in Aladdin?

  10. Who voices Mickey Mouse in Fantasia?

  11. Name one celebrity who got their start in  “The Mickey Mouse Club”?

  12. Which Disney princess has been voiced by two different actresses?

  13. Which Disney movie featured an animated sequence where all the characters’ heads were replaced with vegetables?


Movie-inspired trivia questions

Movies are a great form of entertainment. They can take us to different worlds and allow us to experience things we otherwise would never have the chance to do. They can also show us how people lived in other times and places, or teach us about different cultures and perspectives. Using movies to create fun trivia categories and questions is an excellent way to spark excitement in your team and help them build relationships. Here are movie-themed trivia questions you can explore with your team.

  1. Which actor won the 1989 Best Actor Oscar award for their role  in the film Rain Man?

  2. What is the name of the character played by Robert Redford in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid?

  3. In what year was The Lion King released?

  4. What is the name of the movie with the following quote?: “I’m not going to let you kill me. I’m not going to let you live either.”

  5. What is the name of the young girl who played Annie in the 1982 movie Annie?

  6. What is the name of the actress who played Princess Leia in Star Wars?

  7. What was Bruce Willis’s character’s name in Pulp Fiction?

  8. Who directed Titanic?

  9. In the movie The Shawshank Redemption, what were Andy’s prison shoes called?

  10. In The Breakfast Club, what type of car does Bender drive?

  11. What is the name of the actor that played “The Dude” in The Big Lebowski?

  12. What was the first feature film ever shown on TV?

  13. Who did Harrison Ford play in Blade Runner?

  14. What is the title of the highest-grossing movie of all time?


Sports trivia questions

Sports in our lives have been a part of our culture for centuries. From the Olympics to the World Cup, sports are a global phenomenon that brings people together. You can find a variety of different trivia questions and answers for work using sports as your theme. From table tennis to martial arts, there are a lot of questions worth exploring with your team. Here are sports trivia questions for motivation:

  1. What year did the first NFL Championship Game take place?

  2. Who was the first player to hit a home run in a World Series game?

  3. In what year was the NBA founded?

  4. Name a game that is played on an ice rink.

  5. Who is the current fastest player in hockey?

  6. What are the dimensions of a soccer field?

  7. What is the name of one of the most famous players in basketball?

  8. What is one sport that does not use a ball?

  9. Who was the first person to win an Olympic gold medal for figure skating?

  10. What is the most popular sport in North America?

  11. Who is the only person to have played in both a World Cup and an Olympic Games?

  12. When was football invented?

  13. Who was the youngest player to ever win an Olympic Gold Medal?

  14. Which sport has a ball that must be thrown through a hoop without touching any part of the rim?

  15. What is the current record for the fastest mile?

  16. Who was the first quarterback to throw 7 touchdown passes in a single game?

  17. What is the name of the first NFL coach to win 200 games?

  18. Who is the youngest player in NBA history to score 40 points in a game?

  19. What are the most points scored by an individual player in an NBA game?


If you are looking for a fun way to engage your employees, hosting  a trivia session is the perfect fit.

Hosting a trivia session is not just about giving out prizes and awarding the winning team - it’s about building relationships through friendly competition and having a good time.

If you are looking for an excellent solution for hosting a trivia session at work, Bar None Games has got you covered!

Book a live-hosted virtual trivia game


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