Celebrating Pride in the Workplace: 10 Tips!

celebrating pride in the workplace

June is celebrated as Pride Month globally, commemorating the Stonewall riots of 1969 and advocating for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. Celebrating Pride in the workplace is a powerful way to show support for the community, create a positive and inclusive work environment, and attract and retain diverse talent. Here are ten tips on how to celebrate Pride in the workplace and make a positive impact.

How do you promote Pride in the workplace?

As your team heads into Pride Month celebrations, here are 10 tips to remember as you plan your programming: 

  1. Educate yourself and your team

  2. Create a safe and inclusive environment

  3. Use inclusive language

  4. Celebrate diversity

  5. Support LGBTQ+ charities and causes

  6. Advocate for LGBTQ+ rights

  7. Create an Employee Resource Group (ERG)

  8. Engage senior leadership

  9. Show your Pride

  10. Celebrate all year round

1. Educate yourself and your team

The first step in celebrating Pride in the workplace is education. Learn about the LGBTQ+ community's history, issues, and challenges to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences. Share resources and organize training sessions to promote awareness, respect, and inclusivity.

2. Create a safe and inclusive workplace

Creating a safe and inclusive workplace is crucial for LGBTQ+ employees' well-being and productivity. Establish policies and procedures that prohibit discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Promote a culture of acceptance and allyship by encouraging employees to report incidents of discrimination and provide support to affected colleagues.

3. Use inclusive language

One powerful step to creating a safe and inclusive workplace is to use inclusive language. Use gender-neutral pronouns like "they/them" instead of "he/she" and "Mx." instead of "Mr./Mrs./Ms." Even better, ask your team for their preferred pronouns if they are comfortable sharing. Use inclusive greetings like "hello everyone" or "welcome all" instead of "ladies and gentlemen." Respectful language is an easy but effective way to make everyone feel included.

4. Celebrate diversity

Diversity is the foundation of any inclusive workplace. Celebrate the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community and employees by organizing events and activities that showcase their talents and experiences. Host potlucks, cultural fairs, or movie screenings that highlight LGBTQ+ contributions to arts, culture, and society.

5. Support LGBTQ+ charities and causes

Supporting LGBTQ+ charities and causes is an excellent way to show your company's commitment to the community. Donate to local LGBTQ+ organizations, participate in fundraising events, or sponsor initiatives that promote equality and social justice.

6. Advocate for LGBTQ+ rights

Advocacy is a powerful way to create meaningful change. Advocate for LGBTQ+ rights by signing petitions, contacting elected officials, or supporting initiatives that promote equal rights, marriage equality, and non-discrimination policies.

7. Create an Employee Resource Group (ERG)

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are employee-led communities that promote diversity and inclusion within the workplace. Consider creating an LGBTQ+ ERG to provide a safe space for employees to network, share experiences, and provide support. ERGs are also an excellent way to generate new ideas, foster innovation, and promote workplace well-being.

8. Engage senior leadership

Engaging senior leadership is critical to promoting LGBTQ+ inclusivity and creating a culture of acceptance. Encourage senior leaders to participate in Pride Month events, promote diversity and inclusion initiatives, and be visible allies to the LGBTQ+ community. Senior leaders' support and involvement can inspire employees to become more engaged and committed to the company's mission and values.

9. Show your Pride

Showcasing your Pride is an excellent way to create visibility and support for the LGBTQ+ community. Consider hosting a Pride Month celebration, displaying the Pride flag, or wearing Pride-themed attire. Small but visible acts of solidarity can create a big impact and inspire others to become more involved.

10. Celebrate all year round

Celebrating Pride Month is important, but creating an inclusive workplace should be a year-round effort. Incorporate LGBTQ+ perspectives and experiences into your company's policies, communications, and initiatives. Encourage ongoing education, training, and engagement to ensure that your workplace is always an inclusive and supportive environment.

How do you celebrate Pride Month in the office?

In-office celebrations can be an excellent way to bring employees together and show support for the LGBTQ+ community. Here are a few ideas on how to celebrate Pride Month in the office:

  1. Host a Pride-themed happy hour

  2. Display the Pride flag

  3. Participate in a Pride parade

  4. Invite guest speakers

  5. Create a Pride playlist

1. Host a Pride-themed happy hour

Organize a happy hour or a lunch party in honor of Pride Month. You can decorate the office with rainbow flags, streamers, and balloons and serve rainbow-colored treats and drinks. Encourage employees to wear Pride-themed attire or accessories, like shirts, hats, or pins.

2. Display the Pride flag

Displaying the Pride flag is an easy and powerful way to show support for the LGBTQ+ community. You can hang the flag outside the office, on the walls, or on the desk. The rainbow flag is a symbol of inclusivity and diversity, and it sends a message of acceptance and support to LGBTQ+ employees and customers.

3. Participate in a Pride parade

Participating in a Pride parade is a fun and meaningful way to show your support for the LGBTQ+ community. Check your local Pride events and see if your company can sponsor a float or a group of employees to march in the parade. It's a great way to connect with the community, build visibility, and show your commitment to equality and inclusion.

4. Invite guest speakers

Invite guest speakers who are members of the LGBTQ+ community to share their experiences and insights with your employees. You can organize a panel discussion or a lunch-and-learn session to educate your team about LGBTQ+ issues and foster a culture of empathy and understanding.

5. Create a Pride playlist

Music is a universal language that can bring people together and create a sense of community. Create a Pride-themed playlist with songs that celebrate LGBTQ+ artists and their contributions to music. You can play the playlist in the office or during events to create a festive and supportive atmosphere.

How do you celebrate Pride at work virtually?

Not in the office? Virtual celebrations are becoming increasingly popular as remote work becomes more common. Here are a few ideas on how to celebrate Pride Month virtually:

  1. Host a virtual Pride event

  2. Create a virtual Pride parade

  3. Offer Pride-themed perks

  4. Donate to LGBTQ+ charities

  5. Share educational resources

1. Host a virtual Pride event

Organize a virtual Pride event, like a happy hour, a trivia night, or a dance party. You can use video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype to connect with your team and create a fun and festive atmosphere. Encourage employees to dress up in Pride-themed attire and decorate their backgrounds with rainbow flags or other LGBTQ+ symbols.

2. Create a virtual Pride parade

Create a virtual Pride parade by asking employees to submit videos or photos of themselves wearing Pride-themed attire or performing a Pride-related activity. You can compile the submissions into a video and share it with your team or on social media. It's a great way to showcase your company's commitment to diversity and inclusivity.

3. Offer Pride-themed perks

Offer Pride-themed perks like virtual backgrounds, stickers, or emojis to add some flair to your virtual meetings and communications. You can also offer LGBTQ+ books or movies as part of your company's wellness program or create a Pride-themed playlist for employees to enjoy.

4. Donate to LGBTQ+ charities

Donate to LGBTQ+ charities or organizations that support the community's well-being and empowerment. You can create a donation campaign or organize a fundraising event to raise money for a specific cause. It's a meaningful way to show your company's commitment to social responsibility and advocacy.

5. Share educational resources

Share educational resources like articles, videos, or podcasts that promote LGBTQ+ awareness and understanding. You can create a library of resources that employees can access anytime or organize virtual book clubs or discussion groups to facilitate dialogue and learning.

Why is Celebrating Pride in the Workplace Important?

Celebrating Pride in the workplace is essential for creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ employees. By showing support for the LGBTQ+ community, companies can attract and retain a diverse workforce, foster a culture of acceptance and respect, and build stronger relationships with customers and partners. Celebrating Pride in the workplace can also improve employee morale, increase productivity, and promote a sense of belonging among employees. It sends a powerful message that everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, is valued and respected.

Celebrate Pride Month with Bar None Games

Celebrating Pride in the workplace is an excellent way to create a positive and inclusive work environment, promote diversity and equality, and show support for the LGBTQ+ community.

As an LGBTQ+-owned small business, Bar None Games is proud to offer two unique Pride Month events, including Pride Month Trivia and Pride Month Celebration Games. Whether you’re a fully remote, hybrid, or in-person team, we invite you to come celebrate Pride with us!

Book a live-hosted virtual Pride Month trivia event


28 Pride Trivia Questions and Answers for Work


6 Diversity and Inclusion Games for the Workplace