Bar None Games: #1 Live Virtual Trivia and Mini Games for Team Building Activities

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Getting Tired of Trivia Games Online? 10 Sources of Inspiration That’ll Rekindle Your Team’s Love

One of the most common ways to break up the monotony of a remote team is with trivia games online. Trivia games can be a great way to break the ice, get to know your teammates, and have fun while building a sense of camaraderie. But they can also bore your remote team to death if they are hosted with hard, uninteresting questions.

Here, we have gathered some of the best themes (out of the ordinary!) to draw interesting, fun trivia question ideas from for a great time with your remote employees.

Celebrity Pseudonym vs Real Name Trivia

While using celebrity pseudonyms is not new, it remains a popular trend in the entertainment industry. Some celebrities use pseudonyms to protect their privacy, and others do so to maintain their anonymity and keep their personal life separate from their public life.

But how many of us know that some of these popular names are pseudonyms? This trivia is an excellent opportunity for your team to discover the real or stage names of their favorite celebrities. Team members need to work together to come up with the celebrity’s real name, their pseudonym, and even the movie, song, or book they were in if you want to take this up a notch. The first person to answer correctly gets a point for the team.

For example, here are some celebrities with their popular (stage or pen) names and their real names. Post Malone’s Real Name is Austin Richard Post, Cardi B’s real name is Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar, Eminem is Marshall Bruce Mathers III, and Vin Diesel’s real name is Mark Sinclair. This is a fun activity that, when well cultivated, could create fun moments for your teams or friends online.

Movie Villains Trivia

In movies, villains are often seen as the antagonist or the arch-enemy of the protagonist. There is a wide variety of movie villains - some are evil wizards, some are the personification of pure evil, and some are just misunderstood. Despite all their evil acts, movie villains are usually some of the most memorable and iconic characters.

A trivia game online where your team competes to answer questions about some of the most popular movie villains will do wonders. Aside from bringing out memories of the movies they have watched, it provides an opportunity to explore the artistic taste of your team. In this game, provide your team with many questions about movie villains. This can be in the form of a photo where players are asked to identify the name of the villain. Or, you can provide the name of a villain and ask players to describe what they did and in which movies they featured.

From Commodus in Gladiator to Gollum In The Lord of the Rings, there are many movie villains to inspire  hundreds of trivia questions.

Trivia About the World’s Landmarks

The world’s landmarks are some of the things that make our planet so unique. Some people travel to see these landmarks, while others can only admire them from afar. But no matter what, they remain an important part of our history and culture, and have helped shape the world we live in today.

This trivia game is a great way to explore the world’s landmarks with your team and see who knows the most about these amazing places. Players answer questions about landmarks from all over the world, including their location and significance. The player who answers the most questions correctly wins! You can choose from a list of landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, the Statue of Liberty, the Burj Khalifa, the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and more.

“Identify That Sport Personality” Trivia

Sports personalities have won the hearts of many people. As a result, not only do some of us know their names, we also know their net worth, hometowns, their families, the teams they play for, and even the teams they are planning to move to.

Creating trivia questions where your team identifies famous sports personalities is an excellent opportunity to have fun and build relationships at work. All you need is a list of sports personalities: the goal of the game is to get your team to guess the name of the person on the card without using any hints from anyone else.

“Name That Movie” Trivia

This is a game where the player has to guess the name of the movie from a series of clues. These clues can be anything, including quotes from a popular movie, scenes or still shots from the movie, or a photo of a group of actors. The goal here is to be creative with the questions in order to make the trivia fun for participants.

To play this game, you can make up your own questions by brainstorming with the entire team or use the help of Bar None Games to host creative movie trivia rounds. Playing “name that movie” trivia with your team is a great way to get to know each other, have fun, and learn about the movies you all love.

‘Name That Tune” Trivia

This is a trivia game where your team listens to brief clips of songs and has to guess the name of the song and artist from the clip. To start, get a host who would play a short version of a popular song, then allow the contestants to guess the correct song. For every song correctly identified, that player earns a point and gets to play again; if they are wrong, their opponent gets to play again.

To create your trivia questions, pick song clips from different categories, like the year of release or genre of music. For example, 1980s Pop, Rap and Hip Hop, R&B, Country, Rock, or Disney movies soundtracks could be fun categories to explore.

World Geography Trivia

Playing world geography trivia with your team offers an excellent opportunity to have some fun while you learn about the world. It’s a great way to get everyone engaged in learning, so it can be used as a team building exercise, or just to get together with colleagues.

There are many types of questions that you could create on world geography. One could be to name the capital city of a country. Another type would be to name three countries that border each other and their respective capitals. Here, you need to come up with a variety of different question styles to make it fun.

“Identify That Meme” Trivia

Meme culture has become a native internet phenomenon. It’s easy to see why memes are so appealing: they are funny, relatable, and often provide commentary on issues around us. Playing trivia about memes as a team not only creates exciting moments, but offers an environment for everyone to ‘laugh out loud’ and openly express themselves. It’s also a chance for teams to discover interesting things about their favorite memes.

Get the team to come up with as many memes as possible. Then, create trivia questions about these memes, ranging from when they first appeared and their meaning to the people or animals or objects whose images were used for it. It’s all about having fun, so these questions should be simple and easy for players.

Trivia About Iconic Brands

Brands are more than just logos and names. They represent lifestyles, feelings, and emotions. Whether it’s our favorite car, a restaurant chain we love, or our most revered beverage, we all have brands that we can identify just by seeing their logo or colors. This is the time to ignite your team’s knowledge about their favorite brands using trivia.

Get as many questions as possible about the world’s most iconic brands. Once the game starts, show the clue gathered about a brand and ask players to guess the name of the brand. It can be the company’s logo, its colors, popular product, video advertisement, or anything that can be used to identify them.

Complete the Famous Quote Trivia

Famous quotes can be found in many places, from motivational posters on the wall of a gym or office space to inspirational messages on social media. This is a chance to bring them to work by creating trivia questions around some of the most famous quotes.

To play, organize as many famous quotes as possible, then show them one after the other. Players then take turns guessing who made a particular quote. You can also flip this by showing a famous person and asking players to write any quote said by the person to add a little more difficulty.

Play Trivia Games Online with the Help of Bar None Games

Bar None Games provides a wide range of trivia games for your team to have fun, build relationships, and create a sense of belonging. There are trivia games for any occasion, from corporate team building to family reunions. With over 300 rounds of questions, you and your team have many themes and inspirations to create a trivia session that’s perfect for you.

Book a live-hosted virtual trivia game now.