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15 Mental Health Games and Activities for Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness of mental health issues and promote mental wellness. Mental health is essential to our overall well-being, and it’s important to prioritize it in the workplace. With that in mind, here are some mental health games and activities for Mental Health Awareness Month that you can try in the workplace.

How to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month in the workplace:

  1. Gratitude Jar

  2. Coloring Books

  3. Mindfulness Exercises

  4. Puzzle Day

  5. Group Exercise

  6. Mental Health Bingo

  7. Virtual Mental Health Check-In

  8. Virtual Book Club

  9. Virtual Game Night

  10. Virtual Meditation

In-Person Activities

Gratitude Jar

A gratitude jar is a simple but effective activity for promoting gratitude and positive thinking. Setting up a gratitude jar in a common area of the office, such as the break room or conference room, can encourage employees to take a moment to reflect on the things they are grateful for each day. Writing down something they’re grateful for each day and putting it in the jar can serve as a reminder to focus on the positive things in life, even during difficult times. At the end of the month, you can read the notes aloud during a team meeting, which can create a sense of connection and boost morale.

Coloring Books

Coloring books are not just for kids - they are also great for adults! Coloring books are an excellent way to unwind and relax. Adult coloring books have become increasingly popular in recent years for their calming and stress-relieving benefits. Set up a coloring station in the office and encourage employees to take a break and color during the day. This can be an effective way to help employees de-stress and refocus, as coloring can help calm the mind, improve focus, and promote relaxation, which can lead to improved productivity and well-being.

Mindfulness Exercises

Mindfulness exercises, such as breathing exercises and body scans, can help reduce stress and promote mental wellness. Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the moment, without judgment. Consider hosting a lunchtime mindfulness session where employees can practice mindfulness together. These sessions can provide a sense of community and support while also promoting relaxation and stress reduction. Mindfulness exercises can be done in as little as a few minutes and can have significant benefits for overall well-being.

Puzzle Day

Did you know that there is a National Puzzle Day? A puzzle day is an enjoyable activity that promotes cognitive function and helps reduce stress. Set up a puzzle station in the office and encourage employees to take a break and work on a puzzle together. Puzzles can help improve problem-solving skills, memory, and focus, and can be a great way to promote team-building and social connection. When employees work together on a puzzle, they can also develop communication skills and learn to collaborate effectively, which can be helpful in the workplace.

Group Exercise

Group exercise is an excellent way to promote physical and mental wellness in the workplace. Physical activity is important for both physical and mental health, and exercise has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Consider organizing a group exercise session, such as a yoga or Pilates class, during the workday. Group exercise sessions can provide a sense of community and support while also promoting physical and mental well-being. They can also be a great way to break up the workday and help employees re-energize and refocus.

Virtual Activities

Mental Health Bingo

Mental Health Bingo is a fun way to encourage employees to incorporate mental health practices into their daily routine. By creating a mental health-themed bingo card with activities such as “take a 10-minute break to stretch” or “write down three things you’re grateful for,” you can incentivize employees to take care of their mental well-being. Encourage employees to complete the activities throughout the month and share their progress in a company-wide chat. This can create a sense of community and accountability, while also promoting positive mental health practices.

Virtual Mental Health Check-Ins

Virtual mental health check-Ins are an important way to promote mental health awareness and support in the workplace. Organizing virtual mental health check-ins with employees, either one-on-one or in small groups, can provide a space for employees to talk about any challenges they’re facing and receive support from their colleagues. It can also help create a culture of openness and empathy, where employees feel comfortable sharing their struggles and seeking help when needed.

Virtual Book Club

Virtual Book Club is another way to promote mental wellness and reduce stress. Reading can be a great way to relax and unwind, and choosing a mental health-related book for a virtual book club can help employees learn more about mental health and how to take care of their own well-being. Schedule regular meetings to discuss the book, and encourage employees to share their thoughts and insights with each other. This can create a sense of community and support, while also promoting self-care and learning. 

Here are a few book suggestions to get you started:

  • The Hilarious World of Depression by John Moe

  • First, We Make the Beast Beautiful: A New Journey Through Anxiety by Sarah Wilson

  • Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

Virtual Game Night

A virtual game night is a fun way to build connections with colleagues and reduce stress. Hosting a virtual game night can provide a break from work-related stress and allow employees to bond over shared interests. Choose games that promote mental wellness, such as trivia games (like Mental Health Awareness Month trivia with Bar None Games!) or word games, to help employees exercise their cognitive skills while also having fun. This can also help promote teamwork and collaboration, which can be beneficial in the workplace.

Virtual Meditation

Virtual meditation is a simple but effective way to promote mental wellness in the workplace. Meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, and promote feelings of calm and relaxation. Consider hosting a virtual meditation session where employees can practice together. This can provide a sense of community and support while also promoting relaxation and stress reduction. It can also be a helpful tool for employees to use during the workday to help them stay calm and focused.

Mental health games and activities for adults

  1. Mood Meter

  2. The Mindfulness Game

  3. CogniFit

  4. Happy Habits

  5. Headspace

Mood Meter

The Mood Meter is a game designed to help players identify and regulate their emotions. Players use a color-coded chart to identify how they’re feeling and then choose from a list of strategies to regulate their emotions.

The Mindfulness Game

The Mindfulness Game is a card game designed to promote mindfulness and self-awareness. Players draw cards with prompts such as “take a mindful walk” or “focus on your breath for two minutes” and practice the activity on the card.


CogniFit is a brain-training game designed to improve cognitive function. The game includes a variety of exercises that target different cognitive skills, such as memory and attention.

Happy Habits

Happy Habits is a game designed to promote positive thinking and gratitude. Players choose from a list of positive habits to practice each day, such as “write down three things you’re grateful for” or “compliment a colleague.”


Headspace is a popular meditation app that includes guided meditations for a variety of mental wellness goals, such as stress reduction and better sleep.

What are the 3 mental activities?

There are three mental activities that are important for maintaining cognitive health and improving brain function: learning new things, staying physically active, and socializing with others. 

  • Learning new things, such as a new skill or hobby, can help challenge the brain and promote neuroplasticity. 

  • Staying physically active, through exercise or other physical activities, can improve blood flow to the brain and help support cognitive function. 

  • Socializing with others can provide opportunities for mental stimulation, emotional support, and social connection, all of which are important for mental health and cognitive function.

What are some good activities for mental health?

​​There are many activities that can be beneficial for mental health, and which activities are best will depend on individual preferences and needs. Some good activities for mental health include exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, practicing gratitude, and creative pursuits such as art or music. Exercise can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve sleep, and boost self-esteem. Meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus, and promote emotional regulation. Spending time in nature can reduce stress and improve mood, while practicing gratitude can help foster a positive mindset and reduce negative thinking patterns. Engaging in creative pursuits can provide an outlet for self-expression, promote relaxation, and improve mood. At the end of the day, the best activities for mental health are those that bring joy and fulfillment to an individual's life and support their overall well-being.

Host a virtual Mental Health Awareness Month trivia game

As you can see, there are many mental health games and activities for adults that can be incorporated into the workplace for Mental Health Awareness Month. These activities can help promote mental wellness, reduce stress, and build connections among colleagues. Whether you’re working in-person or virtually, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Remember, mental health is an essential part of overall well-being, and prioritizing it in the workplace can lead to a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce. This Mental Health Awareness Month, consider trying some of these activities and games to promote mental wellness in your workplace.

Book a live-hosted Mental Health Awareness Month virtual trivia