50 Family Feud Game Questions for Work

family feud game questions for work

Family Feud is a popular television game show that has been entertaining viewers since the late 1970s. The show involves two families competing against each other to guess the most popular answers to survey questions. In recent years, the game has become a popular activity in the workplace as a team building exercise. Here, we will discuss Family Feud game questions for work and how they can help improve communication and teamwork among colleagues.

Family Feud game questions for work can be tailored to fit the needs and interests of the team. The questions can be focused on work-related topics, such as company culture, office etiquette, and industry trends. They can also be more general questions that are fun and engaging, such as favorite movies, hobbies, or travel destinations.

What are some good Family Feud questions?

Here are some examples of Family Feud game questions for work.

Work-related Family Feud game questions

  1. What is the most important characteristic of a successful team?

  2. Name something that can disrupt productivity in the office.

  3. What is the most effective way to communicate with your colleagues?

  4. Name a common workplace etiquette rule.

  5. What is the best way to handle a difficult coworker?

  6. Name a common cause of workplace stress.

  7. What is the most important quality of a good manager?

  8. Name a common mistake that new employees make.

  9. What is the most important factor in employee satisfaction?

  10. Name a skill that is essential for success in your industry.

Pop culture Family Feud game questions

  1. Name a popular TV show that you watch in your free time.

  2. Name a movie that you recently watched and enjoyed.

  3. Name a celebrity that you admire for their work and philanthropic efforts.

  4. Name a popular song that you listen to while working.

  5. Name a social media platform that you use to stay connected with friends and colleagues.

  6. Name a video game that you enjoy playing in your free time.

  7. Name a book that you recently read and would recommend to a friend.

  8. Name a popular streaming service that you use to watch TV shows and movies.

  9. Name a popular podcast that you listen to for personal or professional development.

  10. Name a favorite sports team that you support and follow regularly.

General Family Feud game questions

  1. Name a common New Year's resolution.

  2. Name a type of cuisine that you enjoy eating.

  3. Name a common household chore that you dislike doing.

  4. Name a popular holiday destination.

  5. Name a type of exercise that you enjoy doing to stay fit.

  6. Name a common stressor in everyday life.

  7. Name a common reason why people call in sick to work.

  8. Name a common fear that people have.

  9. Name a popular leisure activity.

  10. Name a common reason why people get into arguments.

Disney Family Feud game questions

  1. Name a popular Disney princess.

  2. Name a classic Disney movie.

  3. Name a common Disney song.

  4. Name a popular Disney villain.

  5. Name a popular Disney ride at one of their theme parks.

  6. Name a common Disney sidekick.

  7. Name a popular Disney character that is an animal.

  8. Name a famous Disney couple.

  9. Name a popular Pixar movie.

  10. Name a popular Disney character that wears a hat.

Food and drink Family Feud game questions

  1. Name a popular fast food chain.

  2. Name a common topping for pizza.

  3. Name a popular type of cuisine.

  4. Name a common ingredient in a sandwich.

  5. Name a popular flavor of ice cream.

  6. Name a common ingredient in a salad.

  7. Name a popular type of coffee drink.

  8. Name a common ingredient in a smoothie.

  9. Name a popular type of soda.

  10. Name a common type of alcoholic beverage.

These questions can be used in a variety of ways. They can be incorporated into team meetings, used as icebreakers at company events, or even turned into a full-fledged Family Feud tournament. The possibilities are endless, and the game can be tailored to fit the needs of any team or company.

Benefits of Family Feud game questions

One of the benefits of using Family Feud game questions for work is that they encourage communication and collaboration among colleagues. The game requires team members to work together to come up with the most popular answers to survey questions. This can help build trust and strengthen relationships between coworkers. It can also be a fun way to break down barriers between different departments or teams within a company.

Another benefit of using Family Feud game questions for work is that they can help identify areas of strength and weakness within a team. By analyzing the answers given by team members, managers can gain insight into how well their employees understand company culture, office policies, and other work-related topics. This information can be used to develop training programs or other initiatives to help employees improve their skills and knowledge.

In addition to improving communication and teamwork, Family Feud game questions for work can also be a fun way to break up the monotony of the workday. Taking a break from work-related tasks to participate in a game can help boost morale and reduce stress. It can also provide a welcome distraction for team members who may be feeling burnt out or overwhelmed.

To get the most out of these Family Feud game questions, it is important to make sure that everyone is engaged and participating. Encourage team members to share their ideas and opinions, and make sure that everyone has a chance to contribute. This will help ensure that everyone feels included and valued, which can help strengthen team dynamics.

How do you play Family Feud in the workplace?

Playing Family Feud in the workplace can be a fun and effective way to build teamwork and communication among employees. Here's how you can play:

  1. Divide the group into two teams: To play Family Feud, you will need to divide the participants into two teams. You can randomly select team captains or have them volunteer to lead their respective teams.

  2. Choose a host: The host will ask the questions and keep score. The host should be someone who is comfortable speaking in front of groups and can keep the game moving along. You can also find a professional live host from a team building company, like Bar None Games

  3. Set up the game board: You can create your own game board or use a pre-made one. The game board should include the questions and answers, as well as the point values.

  4. Start the game: The host will ask the first question, and the team captains will buzz in to answer. The first captain to buzz in will get to answer first. If their answer is on the board, they will earn points. If their answer is not on the board, the other team will have a chance to answer and steal the points.

  5. Keep playing: Continue playing until all questions have been answered. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins!

Tips for playing Family Feud in the workplace:

  • Keep the questions appropriate: Make sure the questions you choose are appropriate for the workplace. Avoid questions that could be offensive or controversial.

  • Encourage participation: Encourage all team members to participate, even if they are shy. This will help build teamwork and communication skills.

  • Keep it light and fun: Remember that the goal of playing Family Feud in the workplace is to have fun and build relationships. Keep the atmosphere light and enjoyable.

  • Debrief after the game: After the game, take some time to debrief and discuss what everyone learned. Ask team members how they felt about the game and what they learned about each other.

Playing Family Feud in the workplace can be a fun and effective way to build teamwork and communication skills. With the right questions and a positive attitude, you can create a fun and engaging atmosphere that encourages employees to collaborate and work together more effectively.

Play a Family Feud-inspired game with Bar None Games

Overall, Family Feud game questions can be a valuable tool for improving communication, teamwork, and morale in the workplace. By encouraging team members to work together and share their ideas, managers can build stronger, more effective teams that are better equipped to handle challenges and achieve success.

So, next time you're looking for a fun and engaging way to bring your team together, consider using Family Feud! With a little creativity and a willingness to have fun, you can create a memorable experience that will benefit your team for years to come.

Is your team a fan of classic TV Game Shows like Family Feud? Check out the TV Game Show from Bar None Games! This 60 minute event features 3 rounds of gameplay inspired by some of the greats - Family Feud, Wheel of Fortune, and Jeopardy. Our highly engaging, fun team building activity is bound to be a hit with your team. 

Book a live-hosted virtual TV Game Show event


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