14 Things to Do to Celebrate Pride Month at Work

things to do to celebrate pride month at work

June is the month of Pride, a time to celebrate the progress and achievements made by the LGBTQ+ community. It's also a time to show support, raise awareness, and continue the fight for equality. And while celebrating Pride should be a year-round effort, Pride Month is a perfect opportunity to amplify your efforts and make a difference. In this blog post, we'll explore 14 things you can do to celebrate Pride Month in the workplace.

Things to do the celebrate Pride Month:

  1. Host a Pride kickoff event

  2. Encourage open dialogue

  3. Use inclusive language

  4. Attend Pride events

  5. Host a virtual Pride Month trivia event

  6. Decorate your workspace

  7. Educate yourself

  8. Volunteer

  9. Support LGBTQ+ businesses

  10. Advocate for LGBTQ+ rights

  11. Share LGBTQ+ stores

  12. Offer LGBTQ+ benefits

  13. Use social media

  14. Don’t stop after Pride Month

1. Host a Pride kickoff event

To kick off Pride Month, host an event like a lunch, happy hour, or virtual gathering to bring your team together. Take this chance to share the history of Pride, its significance, and demonstrate support for the LGBTQ+ community. It also sets the tone for the rest of the month, where you can continue to celebrate, advocate, and promote inclusivity in the workplace.

2. Encourage open dialogue

Creating a safe space where team members feel comfortable sharing their experiences and feelings regarding the LGBTQ+ community is crucial. Encourage an open and honest dialogue among your team and provide a platform for individuals to ask questions and express their concerns. This can be an opportunity to listen and learn from each other, gain a deeper understanding of different perspectives, and strengthen your team's bond. By fostering a safe environment, you not only promote inclusivity and support for the LGBTQ+ community but also create a culture of openness and respect within your workplace.

3. Use inclusive language

Inclusive language is a crucial component of creating an inclusive workplace. Make sure your language is gender-neutral, and avoid making assumptions about someone's gender or sexual orientation. Using gender-neutral language includes avoiding terms like "he" or "she" and using "they" instead. Avoid using “guys” to address a large group, and use a term like “folks” or “everyone” instead. When referring to a partner or spouse, use gender-neutral terms like "partner" or "significant other." Last but not least, be aware of the language used in forms and documents, and make changes as needed to ensure inclusivity. 

4. Attend Pride events

Participating in Pride events is an excellent way to celebrate and show support for the LGBTQ+ community. Look for local events, parades, or marches that you and your team can attend. This provides a great opportunity to meet other members of the community, learn more about LGBTQ+ issues, and have fun. Remember to prioritize the safety and comfort of all team members when attending events and ensure that everyone feels included and supported. 

5. Host a virtual Pride Month trivia event

Hosting a virtual Pride Month trivia event is a fun and engaging way to celebrate Pride Month at work. Gather your team for an interactive game that tests their knowledge of LGBTQ+ history, culture, and current events. You can create your questions or source them from online resources. Turn to the help of a professional team building company, like Bar None Games, which offers two unique Pride Month events including Pride Month Trivia and Pride Month Celebration Games

Encourage participation and friendly competition by offering prizes or recognition for top performers. A virtual trivia event allows for remote team members to participate and can also be a great opportunity to invite guests from the LGBTQ+ community to share their knowledge and experiences. Hosting a Pride Month trivia event not only promotes learning and education but also fosters camaraderie within your team.

6. Decorate your workspace

Adding some Pride-themed items to your workspace, such as flags, balloons, or posters, can brighten up your environment and promote inclusivity. Decorating your workspace helps create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. This small gesture can also spark conversations and raise awareness of Pride Month and LGBTQ+ issues in the workplace. 

7. Educate yourself

Taking the time to educate yourself on LGBTQ+ issues, history, and terminology is a crucial step towards creating a more inclusive workplace. It allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of your LGBTQ+ colleagues and helps you become a better ally. There are many online resources available that provide information on LGBTQ+ history, rights, and current issues. By educating yourself, you can contribute to a more accepting and supportive environment for everyone, and help promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

8. Volunteer

Volunteering at a local LGBTQ+ organization or event is an excellent way to support the community and make a positive impact. There are many ways to get involved, whether it's through volunteering your time, donating resources, or attending events. Local organizations often need volunteers to help with events, fundraising, and advocacy efforts. Additionally, volunteering allows you to connect with other like-minded individuals and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community.

9. Support LGBTQ+ businesses

Supporting LGBTQ+ businesses is an essential way to promote economic equality and foster a more inclusive economy. By intentionally seeking out and supporting LGBTQ+ owned or operated businesses, you can contribute to creating a more diverse and vibrant business landscape. In addition to supporting the LGBTQ+ community, you can also find unique and high-quality products and services. Many cities have directories or online resources that list LGBTQ+ owned or operated businesses. 

10. Advocate for LGBTQ+ rights

Use your voice to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights in your community and beyond. You can write to your elected officials, sign petitions, and support organizations fighting for LGBTQ+ equality. Contacting your representatives and expressing your support for LGBTQ+ rights sends a message that these issues are important to their constituents. Supporting organizations that advocate for LGBTQ+ equality helps fund important work to promote and protect LGBTQ+ rights. 

11. Share LGBTQ+ stories

Sharing stories of LGBTQ+ people and their experiences is a powerful way to promote understanding and empathy. Look for podcasts, books, or movies that share these stories and share them with your team. Hearing personal stories can help team members gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and discrimination that LGBTQ+ individuals face. Encouraging open and honest dialogue about these stories can create a safe and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ colleagues to share their experiences and perspectives.

12. Offer LGBTQ+ benefits

Offering LGBTQ+ benefits, such as domestic partner benefits, is an important step towards promoting equality in the workplace. These benefits can help create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ employees and their partners. Consider offering these benefits to all employees, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. It's important to review and update your company's policies and benefits to ensure that they are inclusive and reflect your commitment to equality for all employees.

13. Use social media

Use social media to show your support for the LGBTQ+ community. Share articles, stories, and resources that promote LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance. You can also use hashtags like #PrideMonth, #LGBTQ+ and #LoveIsLove to connect with others who are also showing their support. This helps to create a positive impact and spread awareness on these important issues.

14. Don't stop after Pride Month

Celebrating Pride Month is an important first step, but it's important not to stop there. Continue to promote inclusion and equality in your workplace throughout the year. Encourage open communication, provide training on LGBTQ+ issues, and regularly review policies and benefits to ensure they are inclusive. Celebrate and recognize LGBTQ+ employees and their contributions throughout the year, not just during Pride Month. Make it a part of your company culture and commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Why should you celebrate Pride at work?

Celebrating Pride Month is an essential way to show support for the LGBTQ+ community and promote equality in the workplace. By hosting events, educating yourself, and advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, you can make a significant impact and help create a more inclusive workplace. Use these 14 things to do to celebrate Pride month as a starting point and get creative with how you and your team can promote inclusivity and support for the LGBTQ+ community. Remember that allyship is an ongoing process, and it's important to continue learning and growing in your understanding and support.

It's also important to recognize that the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals vary widely, and not everyone may feel comfortable participating in Pride Month celebrations or discussing their identities in the workplace. Respect everyone's boundaries and allow them to participate as much or as little as they choose.

Finally, it's crucial to note that while Pride Month is a time of celebration, it's also a reminder of the continued fight for LGBTQ+ rights and equality. LGBTQ+ individuals still face discrimination and oppression, and it's essential to use this time to continue advocating for change and working towards a more just and inclusive society.

Host a virtual Pride Month trivia event with Bar None Games

There are many things you and your team can do to celebrate Pride Month and promote inclusivity and support for the LGBTQ+ community in the workplace. Every action you take can make a difference. Let's use this time to celebrate progress, honor the past, and continue the fight for equality.

Support an LGBTQ+-owned small business and learn more about Pride Month with Bar None Games’ engaging and educational virtual Pride Month events.

Book a live-hosted virtual Pride Month trivia event


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